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Washing your hair doesn't really have anything to do with hair growth, as far as I know. Although there's a shampoo by Pantene called Beautiful Lengths (that would only keep your hair healthy enough to maybe get a little longer). But if you want it to grow, you should try Knox Gelatin. It's actually sold for desserts, but it's loaded with the vitamins and proteins your hair needs to grow. You can buy it in the grocery store, and you mix it with juice or soda or a smoothie or something. It's not going to taste great, but Knox gelatin works!! It makes your hair and nails and maybe even eyelashes strong and healthy. And if your hair is healthy, that means it will grow. But theres no medicine or hair product that will directly "make your hair grow long." You just have to keep it as healthy as you possibly can and it will grow.

For more information about Knox Gelatin for hair growth, just Google things like:

knox gelatin hair growth

knox gelatin hair

knox gelatin for nails


Hope this helps. (:

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Q: Should you wash your hair every day if you want it to grow?
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If you want to, you can. It's perfectly normal, but in order to let it grow, you have to trim the dead ends.

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Shampoo is a soap it meant clean your hair. It also washes away your natural hair oil that makes your hair grow.So wash your hair every 3 days and brush your hair 100 times in long even strokes if you want your hair to grow long and healthy.

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