

Best Answer

No indeed!! It shouldn't be leaking at anytime you are prego. Get checked out immediately!!!

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Q: Should your breasts be leaking at 4 weeks pregnant?
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Ten weeks late three neg tests bloating sore breasts tired am I pregnant?

You could be pregnant. You should go to the Doctor and receive a pregnant test.

Not sure if I am pregnant since it's only been a couple weeks but one of my breasts is leaking is this normal?

Absolutely normal, do not worry, it is a sign that the glands which produce the hormone prolactine began to work.

Is it normal to leak breastmilk at 32 weeks pregnant?

Yes. However your breasts are leaking Colostrum or pre-milk and not breastmilk. Breastmilk doesn't arrive until a day or two after the baby is born.

Why do your breasts leak?

Some breasts leak every time there is a letdown or milk ejection. Some women don't leak at all. It has to do with the individual anatomy of each breast. Some women leak in the early weeks as their bodies are just beginning to produce lots of milk and then stop leaking. Leaking breasts do not tell you how much milk you are making.

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After 3 weeks pregnant is it possible to have sore breasts?

Yes you can have sore breast within only 3 weeks of pregnancy, its has happened to me.

I am 30 weeks pregant when should i start leaking breast milk?

at about 38 weeks

If you were 23 weeks pregnant on your ultrasound and went back 4 weeks later how many weeks should you be?

if you are 23 weeks pregnant , then go back 4 weeks later you should be 27 weeks pregnant. Almost 7 months.

What does it mean to be 22 weeks pregnant?

You have been pregnant for 22 weeks and should be delivering in approximately 17 weeks.

Im about 6 weeks pregnant is it normal to be leaking colostrum this early in pregnancy?

Yes, that is normal. Everyone starts leaking at different times in pregnancy. i was pregnant with twins and started at 5 months. but i think most people start about 7-8 months pregnant.