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Siberian huskies are listed 4th most dangerous breeds since are many records in America of Siberian huskies harming people. I own a purebreed male Siberian husky and he has proven that he has the potential to attack a stranger or dog that tries to harm me, which did happen to me and my Siberian husky attacked the person who was going to rob me because that person thought Siberian huskies were harmless but he was totally wrong!

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Q: Since Siberian huskies are listed fourth in the most dangerous list can they be trained to be a guard dog not to bark but to attack if a stranger harms its owner?
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What are some good points to make if you have to write on a report on Siberian Huskies?

Some Siberian huskies can be trained to be really guard dogs and also they will run until they die if you let them.

What is scaryer a Siberian husky or a German Shepherd?

it depends on how the dog was trained. Huskies are friendly dogs, and German sheppards can be too. But some German sheppards are trained to kill.

Are Siberian huskies vicious?

Generally Siberian Huskies have great temperaments and are really good with people but as with any dog if they are not raised well there can be problems. The most important question is, was the dog trained well and socialized when he was a puppy? Probably the second most important question is, was the dog ever abused or beaten? That will tell you more about whether a dog is vicious than what his breed his.

Are huskys friendly?

Huskies are known to be friendly dogs. They are known for being sled dogs so they are great with people. Most, if trained properly, can be great additions to families because they are really good with kids.

How intelligent are Siberian Huskies?

Huskies are very smart and will pick up commands very quickly, however they have been bred to take the initiative and are well known for being stubborn creatures when they want to be. So yes, they can be trained but they won't always listen.

What is the breed of Iditorod dogs?

huskies and trained wolves

How are Siberian husky trained for sledding?

You have to train them.

Do Huskies adapt well to captivity?

Huskies are by nature domesticated dogs. Therefore, they are bred in captivity. Even so, a well trained huskie does well in a cage.

What do huskies work for?

For their own enjoyment, and because that's what they've been trained and bred to do.

Are huskies cute?

Definitel < dont listen to that huskies are cute because they have fluffy fur cute barking likes walks , cute , sometimes tamed , have cute puppys , pertty fur.

Can a 9 year old Siberian husky that has no training experience be trained?


Are huskies allowed off there leash in public paths?

yes unless u have trained them not to run away