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Slaves were indeed the property of their owners, had no civil rights whatsoever, and were only counted as 3/5 of a person for census purposes, according to the 3/5 Compromise. Many of the founding fathers opposed slavery, and in his original version of the Constitution Thomas Jefferson condemned it and wanted it outlawed, but that was taken out of the constitution in order to appease southern plantation owners. Slavery wasn't abolished until after the Civil War, but even then it wasn't until the Civil Rights movement of the 60's that African Americans truly had the same legal rights as Caucasian American citizens.

Slavery went on in North America for approximately 500 years, and its affects still have an impact on racial tension and inequality in today's society.

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Q: Slaves are property and have no rights?
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What were the rights of the slaves before the civil war?

Slaves had no rights - they were considered "property"

What rights did slaves have?

Non, slaves had no rights. They were considered property. However, by modern standards, they had all their rights violated.

When were slaves legally classified as property?

The Dred Scot decision in 1857 stated that slaves were property and had no rights to sue in court or civil rights .

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A slave- in ANY state- was considered property. Property does not have rights.

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Non, slaves had no rights. They were considered property. However, by modern standards, they had all their rights violated.

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Slaves did not have any rights. Slaves are seen as the property of their owners, so the only rights slaves had were the ones given to them by their owners.

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They were considered property and had no basic human rights.

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Slaves were not protected by any law. They were property and property has no legal means to have rights.

Southern laws didn't recoconize what between slaves?

Marriage. Since property had no rights (and slaves were considered property), a marriage between slaves was not recognized.

What were slaves denied?

Rights to vote, own property, work,

What rights did Roman slaves have?

Roman slaves did not have many rights. They were enslaved really harshly. The only key factor was that they were allowed to breathe