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do it with everyone u can to get un pregnant

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Q: Slept with exbf 3 days in a row without a condom than slept with a new guy with a condom a day later now I'm pregnant am worried about who the dad is i took plan b after the guy wit a condom?
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Could you be pregnant cause the guy you slept with didnt use a condom and ejaculated in you and you slept with it in you?


Could you be pregnant cause the guy you slept with didnt use a condom and ejaculated in you and slept with it in me could i be pregnant?

Yes, that's how pregnancy usually starts.

Why does your kid resemble the man you slept with when you were one month pregnant?

i dont have a kid nor did i sleep with anyone, and i was never pregnant.... dont say why YOUR kid looks like someone YOU slept with say I and why does MY kid look like the man I slept with when I was pregnant.....

How did slena Gomez get pregnant?

she slept with beeber

You slept with your boyfriend of 32 months last Friday and it was day 4 of your period He did have some pre-ejaculate and the condom broke what are the chances that you could fall pregnant please help?

If you were still on your period, not likely. In any case... if you are not ready to have a baby, WHAT ARE YOU DOING having sex, without at least one stronger form of protection?

I am 13 weeks pregnant and can not sleep through the night anymore is this normal?

Pregnancy is never normal and each person is different. I have 3 children and each pregnancy was different, with my fuirst i couldn't sleep, second i slept normal, and third i slept all the time See ur midwife though if you are worried

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4 weeks and 3 days pregnant but slept with three men in a month?

You slept with over three hundred women and never used a condom should you get checked out?

Yes, you do need to get checked out and from now on, it would be more sensible for you to try and always use a condom.

Has zac ever slept with Vanessa?

well no one really knows for sure but i think they have because how would vanessa have got pregnant if they hadnt he has never slept with her because she isn't pregnant

You slept with an underage boy and you are pregnant but he lied what can happen?

you can go to jail for rape

Are back pains an early sign of pregnancy?

It is a possibility, but I wouldn't rely on just back pain as a sign that you're pregnant, it could be because you've slept in an awkward position or other reasons. But if you're worried, see your doctor to rule out all possibilities.

Can a woman prove that a man slept with her?

Yes - if they didn't use a condom. She can take a swab of the inside of her vagina, and send it to a lab for DNA analysis.