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Q: Soap or detergent will kill all disease-causing germs on dishes?
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What is detergent purposes of dishwasher?

Dishwasher detergent is necessary to properly clean and sanitize dirty dishes. Detergent contains abrasives to help remove food particles as well as soap to kill germs and bacteria.

Is dawn soap for cleaning dishes a soap or a detergent?

you can use it for both

Is it safe to leave the soap bubbles on dishes?

No its Not. Its like leaving something out. The germs will get use to the disinfectent.

Can you get germs from soap?

soap cannot give you germs it is carefully designed to get rid of germs

What soaps and detergents are used in kitchen hygiene?

soap you use to wash youre dishes when you need to

What is caustic dish soap?

Caustic dish soap is a detergent for cleaning dishes that contains some form of washing soda, like baking soda. Caustic dish soap is designed to minimize the amount of grease residue left on dishes and in the dishwater. Caustic dish soap should be used with protective gloves to minimize dryness of the skin.

Effect of detergent chemical characteristic of detergent soap solution?

what does detergent do

How does handwashing with soap and water remove germs and chemicals?

Because the soap has remove germs

What percentage does soap kill germs?

Soap kills 79% of germs off of your hands.

How is soap important?

We use soap on dishes so it keeps us from getting sick from old food and stuff. We use it on our bodies. Stops the stink and kills germs that could kill us. We should wash our hands because that will pick up the most germs. It was found out that soap saved MANY infants lives. How is it not helpful ?

What is the difference between soap and detergent used in modern households?

soap is for your hands and detergent is for laundry

My husband purchased me a set of hand painted dishes for Christmas, is there a good soap to use when I wash them?

it is best to use a mild dish detergent and not to put them in a dishwasher.