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Q: Someone who studies earthquakes is known as a what?
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Is Seismologist is someone who studies rocks?

No - seismologist is earthquakes geologist is rocks

What does 'seismologis' mean?

A "Seismologist" is someone who studies Earthquakes and other Tectonic movement.

Who would use a seismograph?

Since a seismograph is a device used to measure the magnitude earthquakes, someone who studies earthquakes would use it.

What is study of earthquake known as?

Someone who studies and researches earthquake activity and the mechanical properties of earth is called a Seismologist. The subject is therefore known as seismology.The study of earthquakes is known as seismology.

The science that studies earthquakes and their causes?

Seismology is the science of earthquakes and their causes. A scientist who studies earthquakes and their causes is called a seismologist.

What i the Job description of a seismologist?

Someone who measures and studies the intensities of Earthquakes.

Who studies earhtquakes?

A seismologist studies earthquakes.

Who studies earthqakes?

A geologist studies earthquakes.

What kind of scientist studies the ways of predicting earthquakes?

A seismologist studies earthquakes, their causes and effects.

What kind of scientist studies ways of predicting earthquakes?

A seismologist studies earthquakes, their causes and effects.

Which type of scientist studies natural hazards such as volcanoes and earthquakes?

A geologist studies natural hazards such as volcanoes and earthquakes.

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