

Species drift to form a new species?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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I think you mean genetic drift.

Genetic drift is not strong enough in itself to cause speciation generally. Genetic drift is merely a sampling error in allele frequency change due to random events.

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Q: Species drift to form a new species?
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The general term for the formation of a new species is speciation.

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Why do new species form?

According to the biological species concept, when the new species no longer can interbreed with the ancestral species, or with the population that it has been geographically isolated from long enough to have allele change significantly enough to prevent interbreeding.

How a new species form?

Over billions and billions of years, an entire species slowly develops characteristics that they need to adapt to current conditions. If this is repeated enough times, a new species completely different from the original can "form". Or if you're really religious, your God makes new species or whatever.

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Geographic isolation is a way in which a new species can form. Isolation over a long enough period of time can result in a species evolving to have different traits.

How might the isolation of a group result in a new species?

a new species might form when a group of individuals remains sparated from the rest of its species long enough to accumulate different traits