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Q: Stephen Crane's usage of an animal to reinforce Henry's belief concerning fear is an example of which literary term?
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Stephen cranes usage of an animal to reinforce henrys belief concerning fear is an example of which literary term?

This is an example of symbolism, where the animal (the squirrel in this case) represents Henry's own fears and doubts about his courage and ability to face battle. By showing Henry's internal struggle through the squirrel, Crane enhances the reader's understanding of Henry's character and journey.

What is the verb for reinforce?

The word reinforce is already a verb because it describes an action. "To reinforce something".Other verbs are reinforces, reinforcing and reinforced.Some example sentences are:"I will reinforce the doors"."He reinforces the windows in case the zombies try to break in"."We are reinforcing the defences"."We reinforced the rules".

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