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stranger anxiety is usually from the age 13 and up because you are then going through differant changes and you might feel abit funny or alone but nothing to worry about just spend time with people close by you and this is for girls okay!

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Q: Stranger Anxiety is common after the age of?
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What is stranger anxiety?

Stranger anxiety is when you are afraid of talking to strangers and being around people that you don't know because they are strangers and they frighten you.

What is a example of stranger anxiety?

A baby crying or becoming upset when approached or held by an unfamiliar person is an example of stranger anxiety. This fear of unfamiliar individuals typically emerges around 6-8 months of age as babies become more aware of their surroundings and develop attachments to familiar caregivers.

What is the underlying thought behind stranger anxiety?

Stranger anxiety is a normal developmental stage in which infants become cautious or fearful around unfamiliar people. It is believed to be rooted in the infant's natural attachment to familiar caregivers and their need for security and protection. This anxiety typically peaks around 8-9 months of age as infants become more aware of their surroundings and differentiate between familiar and unfamiliar faces.

When was The Age of Anxiety created?

The Age of Anxiety was created in 1947.

Why Modern age an anxiety age?


Is anxiety common?

yes, it is very common

How do you deal with stranger anxiety?

It is not uncommon to have some anxiety when meeting a total stranger especially if it is one on one conversation or one sided. If you are in a group and there is a stranger there and they try to make conversation with you then you are safe because your other friends of there. It is far wiser to be suspicious of strangers and have a little anxiety over it rather than trust every stranger you meet. If you obsess over it and think every stranger you may meet at a party or some social event is a danger to you then you need to engage in conversation with them if they start the conversation and stay with other people at the social event so you will feel safe. Many people are strangers before they become friends or lovers.

In which stage of cognitive development does stranger anxiety occur?

Stranger anxiety typically emerges during the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development, which is approximately from birth to 2 years old according to Piaget's theory. This is when infants become increasingly aware of their surroundings and can differentiate familiar faces from strangers.


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Author of 'The Age of Anxiety'?

W.H. Auden