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Q: Strattera and Wellbutrin Strattera side effect is warm feeling inside sweating normal?
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I have had terrible problems with overheating on strattera, to the point that I can be dripping with sweat after a 2 block walk. And I literally mean "dripping", from the sides of my face onto my clothes, my forehead into my eyes, etc. My clothes get soaked. I am on a very low dose but am thinking of stopping it b/c I cannot tolerate this sweating.

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Yes! That is the worst side effect...for me anyway.

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Over use of thyroid medication and stimulants can cause sweating. Sweating is a common side effect of many antidepressants.

Can you take Gabapentin and Strattera together?

Yes, lyrica and strattera can be taken together. It is a rather speedy combo if I do say so, the lyrica can produce a "rolling" effect. And the strattera enhances that quite a bit. I should know, I'm doing it right now :]

Can ADHD medications cause increased sweating?

Yes, a common side effect of most ADHD medications is increased sweating.

Is shaking and blackouts a side effect of Strattera?

because of the big world because of the big world

Is trouble sleeping a side effect of Wellbutrin?

Very common side-effect of Wellbutrin.  Discuss with your physician and they can prescribe you something to take in the evening.  Also, you do not want to take Wellbutrin after 4pm at the latest.  I take wb in the day and xanax before bed.