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Q: Successful planning depends in large part on the ability of leaders to (Points 1)?
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They use reverse planning.

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They use reverse planning.

What kind of planning do leaders use to prepare timelines for solving problems?

They use reverse planning.

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Organizational leaders focus on mid-range planning and mission accomplishment takes 1 to 5 years or more.

How long do organizational leaders focus on mid range planning and mission accomplishment?

Organizational leaders focus on mid-range planning and mission accomplishment takes 1 to 5 years or more.

How long do organizational leaders focus mid-range planning and mission accomplishments?

Organizational leaders focus on mid-range planning and mission accomplishment takes 1 to 5 years or more.

What made leaders so great?

Their ability to lead.

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They were sucsessful because of there great leaders.

What is the The ability to recognize and solve problems is an essential skill for leaders Most leaders prefer problems to be?

well structured

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strategic planning

What is the Competency perspective of leadership?

This is the theory that there are certain traits all leaders possess, and that it is necessary to possess these traits to be considered a leader. These traits can be broken down into 7 categories: 1) Emotional intelligence- Leaders can percieve others emotions 2)integrity- Refers to the leaders truthfulness and consistency and words and actions. Employees want honest leaders 3)Drive- Successful leaders have a high need for achievement 4) Leadership motivation- Leaders have a strong need for power because they want to influence others. They try to gain power so that that can influence others towards specific goals 5) Self-confidence- Leaders are extroverted; outgoing, social, talkative and assertive 6) Intelligence- Have an above average cognitive ability to process information. Have the ability to analyize alternatives and oppertunities 7) Knowledge of Business- they know the business environment This is the theory that there are certain traits all leaders possess, and that it is necessary to possess these traits to be considered a leader. These traits can be broken down into 7 categories: 1) Emotional intelligence- Leaders can percieve others emotions 2)integrity- Refers to the leaders truthfulness and consistency and words and actions. Employees want honest leaders 3)Drive- Successful leaders have a high need for achievement 4) Leadership motivation- Leaders have a strong need for power because they want to influence others. They try to gain power so that that can influence others towards specific goals 5) Self-confidence- Leaders are extroverted; outgoing, social, talkative and assertive 6) Intelligence- Have an above average cognitive ability to process information. Have the ability to analyize alternatives and oppertunities 7) Knowledge of Business- they know the business environment