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NO, it is done in a competitive way, it (competes) replaces PABA and consequently the bacteria can't synthesize Folic acid

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Q: Sulfa drugs inhibit the synthesis of folic acid in bacteria in a non-completive way?
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How does sulfa fight pathogens?

Sulfa drugs work by binding and inhibiting a specific enzyme called dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS). This enzyme is critical for the synthesis of folate, an essential nutrient. Mammals get folate from their diet, but bacteria must synthesize this vitamin.

How do sulfonamides kill bacteria?

Sulfa drugs kill bacteria and fungi by interfering with cell metabolism

Why did soldiers carry sulfa powder with them in world war 2?

Penicillin, the first antibiotic, had just been discovered on the very eve of the war. It was a still extremely scarce. Before penicillin the best treatment for infection was sulfa drugs, and the sulfa powder was to sprinkle on wounds to try to inhibit infection from setting it.

Is penicillin a sulfa drug?

No its a derivate of fungi and is come under antibiotics which have cidal effect. It binds to small ribosomal subunit and interfere with protein synthesis by directly inhibiting synthesis. e.g. Neomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin. Its a broad spectrum drug

How do sulfa drugs selectively kill bacteria while causing no harm to the humans?

sulfa drugs binds to the enzyme, no product is formed, folic acid is made and the biosynthesis of methionine and nitrogenous bases increase

How do you treat a sulfa sensitive patient for cold?

Sulfa drugs are usually used to treat bacterial infections, not viral infections like a cold. So no sulfa drugs are needed for sulfa-sensitive patients with viral infections like the common cold or flu. There is no equivalent to antibiotics that are used to kill bacteria that are for treating viruses. Bacteria can be killed and antibiotics, like sulfa drugs, are what can do that. Viruses are not living organisms, so they can't be killed. They can be made inactive, but that is possible only when your immune system attacks and gets rid of them, there are no drugs to do that. See the related question below for more information about treating a cold.

Does Sulfa contain Penicillin?

Penicillin is not a sulfa drug.

Does Triamcinolone have sulfa in it?

No. Triamcinolone does not have sulfa in it.

Does alprazolam or xanax contain sulfa or are they sulfa based?

No. Above mentioned drugs do not contains sulfa drugs. They are not sulfa based also.

Does Adderall XR have sulfa in it?

Nope! I take it and am allergic to Sulfa. ---- No, Adderal does not contain any sulfa moieties.

Does crestor contain sulfa?

No. Lipitor does not contain sulfa.

Do cranberries have sulfa?

cranberries do contain sulfa. Sulfa is used in anti-biotics. Cranberry juice contains sulfa which is also a drug used in the manufacture of anti-biotics