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with the removal of its heat energy, the air in the balloon became denser so it occupied less space. That's why it shrank.. the frozen liquid was the moisture from the air.. e.g. when warm air hits cool glass, the moisture droplets separate from the air and settle on the glass.. the same thing happened with your balloon the only difference was that your water froze...

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12y ago
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13y ago

The reason a balloon would shrink in the freezer is because the molecules are condensing. The fact that there is a frozen liquid in it is probably because when you blew up the balloon, you spit in it. The spit clumped together and froze.

Hope this helps answer your question :)

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11y ago

if a blown up balloon was placed into the freezer it might get tiny ice droplets in the balloon next it will start to deflate but still keep freezing air particals soon you will have no balloon left so good luck if you ever decide you want to stick a balloon in the freezer

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14y ago

This is not a question but a statement.

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14y ago

it shrinks.

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Q: Suppose you blow up a balloon and then place in the freezer later you find that the balloon has shurnk and has drops of frozen liquid in it?
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