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the double ground beef patties-the dead cow made it possible.

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Q: Suppose you had a double cheeseburger combo meal and you decided to be grateful For which of these items would you thank American Indians for developing the plant or animal that made it possible?
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Why isn't a cheeseburger called a cheese hamburger?

A cheeseburger is a hamburger, accompanied with cheese. The cheese is usually sliced, then added a short time before the hamburger finishes cooking to allow the cheese to melt. In America the cheese that makes up a cheeseburger is usually American cheese, but there are many other possible variations. Mozzarella, blue cheese and cheddar are also popular choices.

Is it possible to eat a cheeseburger in one bite? this---> :O

What is mayor cheeseburger's email?

Mayor Cheeseburger is a very important person. he does not have time to waste talking to his fans. his email is he will reply to you as soon as possible.

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no. But they are working on it. They are developing a process to separate the hydrogen from H2O. An engine can run on hydrogen.

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Start developing a time machine as soon as possible, i suggest now.

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Technically, no. A human male does not have a womb to store a developing baby, so cannot be pregnant.

Who is generally credited with the invention of bifocals?

Benjamin Franklin is credited with developing bifocal glasses in 1784. Some historians dispute this claim and it is possible that others were independently developing bifocal lenses around this time.

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That is not physically possible.

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Where is it possible to purchase an American Girl bed?

It is possible to purchase an American girl bed from a company called American Girl, also available from other retailers that stock such brand, available with discounts.