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Q: Suspected soviet spy of the McCarthy era?
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Was Joseph McCarthy a soviet spy?

No. McCarthy was opposed to Soviet spies in the government, and tried to prosecute them. But the spies were sometimes too well concealed. For example Roosevelt aide Harry Hopkins was a Soviet spy, a fact that wasn't confirmed until the Venona transcripts of decoded Russian messages were released.

What was the name of the project that cracked the soviet spy code which confirmed extensive soviet spy?

The Verona Project.

How do you say spy in french?

Reason why Rizal suspected cause as a spy by Russian

Is bush a Soviet spy?

yes. ;)

Who was a communist spy who had pumpkin papers?

Alger hiss was a soviet spy in 1948

What was the name of the project that cracked the Soviet spy code which confirmed extensive Soviet spying?

The Verona Project.

Was Ted hall a hero?

Maybe to the USSR, he was a soviet spy

What country was using a you-2 spy plane in1960 that was shot down over the Soviet Union?

The US had a spy plane called the U-2 that was shot down over the Soviet Union.

What has the author Gordon Arnold Lonsdale written?

Gordon Arnold Lonsdale has written: 'Spy' 'Spy; twenty years in Soviet secret service'

How do you get Yuri Prime in Red Alert 2?

You can train Yuri Prime in Red Alert 2 when a Soviet Spy infiltrates a Soviet Battle Lab. (You need to somehow capture an Allied Barracks to train a spy, first, though.)

How do you get Chrono Ivan in Red alert 2?

you get a allied team on skirmish and train a spy MAKE SURE you have a soviet team as a enemy then take that spy and make it look like a soviet (by the time you have a spy the soviet should hav a battle lab ) send your spy over to the soviet battle lab(if your battle lab is guarded by a wall send a few tanks or ifvs over and destroy part of the wall )then you should have crono iavan . and if you want a crono commando (kina like a crono Ivan and a navy seal mixed ) then do this same prosses but with a allied enemy

What date did senator McCarthy begin anti-communist activities?

McCarthyism is a term used to describe the making of accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence. The period lasted roughly from the late 1940s to the late 1950s. It reflected heightened fears of communist influence on American institutions and espionage by Soviet agents. In February 1950 McCarthy asserted that he had a list of "members of the Communist Party and members of a spy ring" who were employed in theState Department. McCarthy was never able to prove this. McCarthy made other accusations of Communist infiltration into the State Department, the administration of President Truman,Voice of America, and the United States Army. He also used charges of communism, communist sympathies, or disloyalty to attack a number of politicians and other individuals inside and outside of government. With the highly publicized Army-McCarthy hearings of 1954, McCarthy's support and popularity began to fade.