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Q: Symptoms of craving a beer
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Is craving a symptom of alcoholism?

Depends... Are you craving vodka, rum, bourbon, or beer? Then yes it's alcoholism.However, just an occasional craving is not alcoholism.

Is craving a system of alcoholism?

Craving alcohol is one of the symptoms of alcoholism, but simply craving alcohol does not make a person an alcoholic.

What are the signs and symptoms of PMS?

Some signs and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) are as follows: mood swings, cramps, headaches, food craving and fatigue. For some women, these symptoms can be quite severe.

What other symptoms are their of diabetes insteadof rise of blood sugar?

thirst and a craving for food and a lot of time on the toilet.

Why are you thirsty n craving salt all the time?

Those are possible symptoms of diabetes. See a doctor for an evaluation.

What are the symptoms of amemia?

fatigue, craving ice, feeling of exhaustion when doing normal activities, skin is pale, or pallor,feeling cold

What are the symptoms of Wendigo psychosis?

Wendigo or Windigo psychosis is an often disputed mental disorder in which a person has a craving for human flesh. Symptoms include depression, distaste for regular diet, nausea, and vomiting.

What is the symptoms of hallucinogen dependence?

Most hallucinogens have little or no tendency for causing drug dependence. One notable exception is ketamine. The symptoms of dependence include a craving for a drug, which may cause many secondary effects.

I am pregnant but i dont have and eating craving is that normal?

You are fine. Dont worry some people dont have any symptoms at all. I have all the symptoms and im 9 weeks so you are lucky lol so relax.

What are the real symptoms of becoming a vampire?

You have a sudden craving for blood and you grow fangs and you may get pale skin and... I don't really believe in vampires though.

What symptoms would a person have if they wern't getting enogh protein?

There are a few different symptoms that you may experience if you are lacking protein. Some of these things include a craving for carbs, sweets, caffeine, pop, and candy. Other symptoms include muscle and joint pain, lack of sleep, and low energy.

What are the symptoms of Prader Willi Syndrome?

Some symptoms of Prader Willi Syndrome are low muscle tone, lack of eye coordination, underdeveloped sex organs, food craving and weight gain, learning disabilities and lack of motor control.