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It hurts like a Bxtch

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Q: Symptoms of nerve infection in tooth?
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What are symptoms of tooth infection?

There are quite a few symptoms of tooth infection such as fever. Other symptoms of tooth infection include smelly drainage and pain.

How can you tell if a tooth nerve is infected or just inflamed?

Go to the dentist! You can not run around with a infection in your tooth. If you think you have a infection in your tooth that is enough reson to go to the dentist. They know if a nerve is infected or inflamed. -------- Even if it is inflamed that means that the dental nerve is infected with bacteria, and if left untreated it can lead to gangrene and root treatment. See this video about infection of the dental nerve

Can a tooth infection produce chills?

It has scientifically been proven that having chills while having a tooth infection are symptoms of a lethal mental disorder.

What would the white pustule over front tooth on gum be?

An Abscess indicating that a there is infection present in the nerve of the tooth. You need to get to a dentist ASAP. If this is the case you will more than likely be put on an antibiotic until the infection is cleared up and the tooth can be treated.

Why does your rotten tooth hurt?

A rotted tooth hurts because the hard enamal covering the inner nerve has either softened or been stripped away. This allows infection, pressure and temperature differences to trigger the nerve which causes a toothache.

Do you have to have a root canal if the tooth dies?

Yes. If the nerve inside of a tooth dies, it is prone to infection (if not infected already). Root canal treatment should prevent or resolve this infection. A tooth may die for various reasons such as: decay, trauma, extensive wear/grinding/abrasion.

How long does it take for a tooth nerve to die?

While in a tooth or after pulled? Inside your tooth in your mouth, the nerve may not die. You may have to get a root canal done to remove the nerve and keep the tooth. If a person does not pull an infected tooth, the infection may strangle the nerve and leave a non-sensitive tooth. You will then have a grey tooth with no life in it. If this happens and your lucky enough without medication so as the infection goes away; you would have experienced a natural root death and will need to keep an eye on the tooth and get x rays done often. Your tooth will still rot and you will not know it because you feel little pain in the tooth. If your talking about the nerve in the pulled tooth's orifice, bottom jaws could be damaged for months or even permanently. You may also feel as though your lip was numb if you have damage. Top back orifices may perforate the nasal cavity and may hurt constantly. Please be more specific for specific answers.

How can I tell if I have a sinus infection?

Some symptoms of a sinus infection include headache, bad breath, stuffy nose, fever, tooth pain and reduced sense of taste and smell. If you have quite a few of these symptoms then you could very likely have a sinus infection.

Are chipped teeth permanently damaged?

I depends on how bad the tooth is chipped...if the nerve is exposed it could possibly led to infection and you will need to have surgery.

If decay gets on the nerve when filling a tooth can it cause a staph infection?

The decay (Caries) getting on the nerve wont cause a staph infection. HOWEVER, Dirty or improperly sterilized instruments, or bacteria on the hands/gloves of the doctor or assistant can cause cross-contamination resulting in staph infection I would think.

Can it treat a tooth infection?

yes you can treat a tooth infection with medication

Why ear hurt after wisdom tooth pull?

It happens. Was/is it a lower wisdom tooth? The inferior alveolar nerve travels through the lower jaw, this is the nerve the dentist "numbs" to work on a bottom tooth. Lower wisdom tooth problems often cause an ear ache. It could be an infection, it could be the nerve was bruised, it could be do to normal healing with a little swelling. Tell the dentist/oral surgeon.