

TV series with the Klingons

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Star Trek is a TV series that has Klingons in it.

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What famous TV Show had Klingons?

Question: What famos TV show had Klingons? Answer: Star Trek - The Enterprise

What does EKlingon mean?

Maybe u mean KLINGON? It mean--Klingons (Klingon: tlhIngan, pronounced [ˈt͡ɬɪŋɑn]) are a fictional warrior race in the Star Trek universe. They are recurring villains in the 1960s television show Star Trek: The Original Series, and have appeared in all five spin-off series and eight feature films. Initially intended to be antagonists for the crew of the USS Enterprise, the Klingons ended up a close ally of humanity and the United Federation of Planets in later television series.

List all enemies in original Star Trek series?

Klingons,Romulans. Klingons, Romulans, Talosians, ?The Borg? (the Planet Killer was supposedly a weapon built to destroy the Borg - non-canon source), Tribbles. The Borg didn't appear until The Next Generation and the Planet Killer was just a rogue doomsday weapon from a war where both sides had been destroyed (nothing to do with the borg) But these did appear The Gorn, Tholians, Mudd, Kahn (then again in Star Trek 2), Evil Kirk (Enemy Within) Trelane (a Q type entity).

What is klingon?

A Klingon is a fictional alien race from the Star Trek science fiction television and movie franchise. The Klingons began in the original Star Trek series as enemies of the United Federation of Planets which is the governing body which the protagonists serve as part of Starfleet. But in later versions of the series the fierce Klingons became allies.

In what series of movies do kirk Spock and the Klingons appear?

You will find that Kirk, Spock, and the Klingons appear in various Star Trek movies. An example will be: Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country.

Who was the first Klingon?

John Colicos. He played Kor, in the original series episode "Errand of Mercy", which was the episode which introduced the Klingons.

Do some alien races have ridged heads?

We have not yet met any alien races. However on television and movies, ridged heads are sometimes used for alien races such as Klingons and Cardassians.

Who are the villains of Star Trek?

Star Trek is an extensive franchise which includes five different TV series (one being animated) and a series of movies, so there are a number of different arch enemies who appear at different times. In the original series (1966-1968) the arch enemy were the Klingons, who were largely reconciled with the Federation by the time of the second series, Star Trek The Next Generation (which included a Klingon named Worf as a major character on the new Enterprise). Romulans were also arch enemies in the original series, and in parts of other series. Then you get the Cardassians and, later, the Borg emerged as the arch enemy. There were various others as well, but they were prominent for only short story arcs.

Who are the villains in the original Star Trek tv show?

It depends on which series you are on about. Original series(Captain Kirk)= Klingons. The Next Generation(Captain Picard)= Romulans, Borg. Deep space nine(Captain Sisko)= Cardassians, The Dominion. Voyager(Captain Janeway)= Kazon, Borg, Species 8472. Enterprise(Captain Archer)= Xindi, Klingon(some of the time) and the xenophobes on earth(Terra Prime) in the final series.

Why did the Klingon's look change?

It all essentially comes down to budget from the original series and advances in makeup, costume design etc. However, Star Trek have tried to create a storyline to explain this - The Klingons tried to create Augments (Genetically superior Klingons) based on the research by Dr. Noonien Soong in creating Human Augments. The DNA used by the Klingons had an effect on they're Cranial Ridges.

Do klingons urinate?

Klingons are biological lifeforms that drink and eat, they also have most of the organs we do as well as redundancies, and therefore they do urinate.

How many stomaches do klingons have?
