

Tallest person ever alive

Updated: 4/26/2024
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βˆ™ 15y ago

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Robert Wadlow

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 1w ago

The tallest person ever recorded in medical history was Robert Wadlow from the United States, who stood at a height of 8 feet 11.1 inches (272 cm) before passing away in 1940.

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How tall was the smallest man ever recorded?

The smallest man ever recorded was Chandra Bahadur Dangi from Nepal, who stood at 21.5 inches (54.6 cm) tall.

when well covid 19 END?

It is difficult to predict an exact end date for COVID-19 as it depends on various factors such as vaccination rates, public health measures, and the emergence of variants. Global efforts are ongoing to control and mitigate the spread of the virus. It is important to continue following guidelines from health authorities to help end the pandemic sooner.

Is President Obama a good example of this quote power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely?

It is not accurate to say that President Obama exemplifies the quote "power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely." Throughout his presidency, President Obama displayed a commitment to ethical leadership and accountability. While no leader is immune to the influences of power, it is important to recognize the distinctions between different leaders and their actions.

Would you want to be an Untouchable?

This depends on which way you mean this term. If you mean the Untouchable caste in India, then no. That would mean being trapped in certain professions, like garbage collection and cleaning sewers. It would mean not being able to date or marry anyone except other Untouchables. It would mean being looked down upon by most other people and others going out of their way to make you feel like nothing. If you mean it as another name for the Italian Mafia that was in the US in the early part of the 20th century, then whether someone would want to be involved in that would be up to the person. If someone were a foreign immigrant during the Great Depression, for instance, belonging to an influential organized crime family might be seen as a favorable alternative by some. The Mafia were behind corruption in the government, in workplaces, and in labor unions. The name Untouchable in the movies came from this corruption and being able, for a short period of American History, to be above the law. Thankfully, the Prohibition Amendment was repealed and legalizing alcoholic beverages took away much of their revenue, and tougher laws were created to deal with organized crime. Membership was not for everyone. Those who opposed "vice" activities or corruption would not want to be members. Plus, once you got in, they would not let you out of the gang alive. Also, like in any gang, there was rivalry, and your success within the organization might make you a mark and put a price on your head. So many people would not want to be a part of something like that.

What is a good sentence for public policy?

Public policy refers to the decisions and actions taken by government officials to address specific societal issues, such as healthcare reform or environmental protection.

Related questions

Who is the tallest known man dead and alive?

The tallest person ever alive was, Robert Wadlow. Who was 8'11.5".

Who was the tallest person ever alive?

Robert Wadlow

Who is the longest man alive?

The tallest person that ever lived was 8 feet and 11.1 inches tall. His name was Robert Wadlow and he was from the United States.

Who is the tallest person ever to live?

Galiath Height9 ft 6 in the tallest person ever is probably about 35 feet but the lived a long time ago like in the B.C.

What is the tallest man in the world?

the height of the tallest man ever was 2.72 m (8ft 11in).

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yes. That's is incorrect, the answer that the wiki.answers community gave is incorrect. Goliath was the tallest person in modern day history. Adam was the tallest person to ever live on planet earth history.

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Who is tallest in the world?

The tallest ever person was Robert Wadlow, who was 8 feet 11.1 inches. The tallest living person is Sultan Kosen, who is 8 feet 1 inch.

Who is the tallest to ever live?

Galiath Height9 ft 6 in the tallest person ever is probably about 35 feet but the lived a long time ago like in the B.C.

Who was the tallest person in thw world?

The tallest person recorded is Robert Pershing Wadlow, at 8'11.1 feet (2.72 meters). The tallest person living (as of 2021) is Sultan KΓΆsen, at 8'2.8 feet (2.51 meters). The tallest woman recorded is Zeng Jinlian at 8'1 feet (~2.48 meters). The tallest woman living (as of 2021) is Zhang Ziyu, at 7'5 (2.26 meters).

Tallest man in the world today?

The worlds tallest man today is Ukranian Leonid Stadnyk standing at 8 feet 5 inches.