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Well there is a well known maple tree in Ohio which is the red maple tree

which can be found in woodland areas and along creek sides

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Q: Tell me about maple trees in Ohio?
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Are maple trees perennial or annual?

Are maple trees annuals or perennials?Maple trees are perennials.

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What is maple sap?

Maple Sap is the sap that comes out of Maple trees.

What would happen if maple trees stopped making seeds?

The seeds will not grow, and new maple trees would not be produced if maple trees stopped making seeds.

In RuneScape where are maple trees?

maple trees in member spot: in camelot but in free there are maple logs only

What season is best for maple trees?

Winter is the best time for collecting sap from maple trees.

What types of trees are in the savanna?

maple trees

Is it true that some maple trees don't become maple trees when they are adult plants and why?

a maple tree will always be a maple tree.... It's DNA doesn't change.

How is a pine tree and maple tree the same?

...They're not the same. Maple trees are like regular trees and pine trees are Christmas trees. Maple trees produce syrup that you can eat. Where-as pine trees make sap but you can't eat that.

Do the sugar maple tree have any relatives?

yes because the other states have sugar maple trees and maple trees you might know

Maple Trees?

form_title= Maple Trees form_header= Plant maple trees in your home. Do you need to remove old trees?*= () Yes () No How many trees do you want to plant?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5} What is the square footage of your yard?*= _ [50]

Where maple live?

-maple trees are live in cold places..