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Q: Texas applied for annexation to the US in 1837 but was not annexed until 1845 The major factor In The eight year delay was?
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Who was the us president that favored the annexation of Texas in 1844?

There is no annexation treaty of Texas, but James Polk was President when Texas was annexed by joint resolution of Congress.

Who did the US acquire the Texas annexation from?

Mexico Texas had been an independent country for nine years when it was annexed by the United States.

Did Mirabeau B Lamar want Texas to be annexed?

No, because lamar didn't believe in annexation to the u.s

What was the act of both houses of Congress by which Texas was annexed?

* Joint Resolution - act of both houses of Congress by which Texas was annexed

How would you contrast the Northern and amp Southern positions on the annexation of Texas?

Generally speaking, Southerners supported the annexation, while Northerners had fears. The main issue involved was slavery. Texas was annexed in 1845.

What was Mexico's response when the US annexed Texas in 1845?

Mexico refused to recognize the annexation.

Which was a major cause of the Mexican-American War?

The annexation of Texas as a US state in 1846 directly led to the war, but US ambitions toward the Mexican lands in the West were the driving force for the conflict.

Who played a key role in the US annexation of Texas?

Well no one really knows the correct answer because all documentation of the annexation of Texas Was lost in a tragic fire which killed approximately 40 people.

Was Texas annexed?

Texas was formally annexed by the United States and admitted to the union on December 29, 1845, becoming the 28th state. The annexation of Texas caused a war between the US and Mexico which lasted from 1846-1848 came to be known as the Mexican-American War.

Explain the reasons for the war between US and Mexico?

Mexico diplomatically notified the US that the annexation of Texas would be considered an Act of War, and the US went ahead and annexed Texas.

What was John Tyler's contirbution?

-reestablished the Bank of America -annexation of Texas -Florida joins the Union

What did the Texas annexation do in 1845?

Spain was an independent republic from 1836 until 1845. After the Mexican-American war, the United States annexed Texas, and it became a U.S. state.