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Q: The 40 weeks of fetal development are known as?
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What are the different stages of a pregnancy?

There are many ways to distinguish different stages. One way is measured in trimesters, as I'm sure you've heard of. Others measure weeks, months, fetal growth and development, etc. Try a basic Google search to find a few types of "stages".First trimester: 1-12 weeks of pregnancySecond trimester: 13-27 weeks of pregnancyThird trimester: 28-40+ weeks of pregnancy

Is the due date on an ultrasound calculated on 40 weeks or 38 weeks?

Your due date is calculated by the first day of your last regulare menstrual period the doctor will give you an estimated due date according to the chart that they have which is calculated to 40 weeks....the ultrasound will give you an estimated due date according to your LMP and fetal development if the fetus looks under or overdeveloped for when your saying your LMP was then your doctor will consult you and maybe run some more tests but all EDD are to 40 weeks although remember they give you a 2 week margin meaning you could go at 38 or 42 weeks hope this helps Good Luck and God Bless!!!

How many weeks do teachers work per year in Massachusetts?

Teachers in Massachusetts typically work approximately 36-40 weeks per year, depending on the school district and specific contractual obligations. This includes both instructional time with students and professional development days.

How many days is 40 weeks?

40 weeks is 280 days (40 x 7).

What is greater 5 months or 40 weeks?

40 weeks is greater.

How many school weeks in a year?

approx.. 40 weeks

How many days are in 40 weeks?

There are 280 days in 40 weeks.

How much time is 40 weeks?

0.77 years or about 9.2 months.Try searching for "40 weeks in years" or "40 weeks in months" on Google.

About how many weeks does a human pregnancy last?

usually it is about 40 weeks but sometimes it may be overdue or premature but if not usually 40 weeks

Is 5 months greater than or less than 40 weeks?

Much less- 5 months amounts to 20 weeks, as there are 4 weeks to a month, so 4 weeks x 5 = 20. There are 52 weeks in a year, so 40 weeks is 9 months.

Is the school 10 months or 40 weeks?

Both. 10 months is 40 weeks.

How many weeks of pregnancy?

40 weeks.