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Your due date is calculated by the first day of your last regulare menstrual period the doctor will give you an estimated due date according to the chart that they have which is calculated to 40 weeks....the ultrasound will give you an estimated due date according to your LMP and fetal development if the fetus looks under or overdeveloped for when your saying your LMP was then your doctor will consult you and maybe run some more tests but all EDD are to 40 weeks although remember they give you a 2 week margin meaning you could go at 38 or 42 weeks hope this helps Good Luck and God Bless!!!

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Q: Is the due date on an ultrasound calculated on 40 weeks or 38 weeks?
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When you go for a ultrasound and the doctor tells you that you are twenty weeks does that mean you conceived twenty weeks ago?

No. Your due date is calculated from two weeks before actual conception. You are actually pregnant for 38 weeks. You conceived 18 weeks ago.

7 weeks 3 days pregnant by ultrasound what is the due date?

hi Im also 7 weeks and 3 days DUE date is about in JULY 1

Can you calculate what day you got pregnant from your due date?

The due date is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period. It can also be calculated based on an early ultrasound. If you have an accurate due date, you can estimate the day of conception by counting back 38 weeks. SInce not all women ovulate on day 14 of their cycle, and stay fertile for 2-3 days after ovulation, this result will be +/- about a week.

When an ultrasound gives me an estimated due date do i count back forty weeks to get an estimated conception date?

No, you count back 38 weeks for the conception date, but don't forget this is just an estimate.

My due date with the ultrasound is June 9 2008 at ultrasound don't Nov 7 2007 they said I was 9 weeks two day when did I conceive?


How can you work out your due date if your last period lasted for 3 weeks?

I think you are going to have to go with the ultrasound on this one.

Why would the Fetus measuring small on ultrasound Is there anything to be worried about when my due date is Feb. 17 and ultrasound is saying the fetus measures for a due date of Feb. 27?

That's only a 10 day difference. The doctor may have just miscalculated the due date. Your due date is 40 weeks from the first day of your last period.

How many days out could a scan be?

An obstetrical ultrasound can be as much as 1-2 weeks off, before or after the due date.

If an ultrasound at 14 weeks showed your due date as Oct 2 and an ultrasound at 20 weeks showed the same but a 28-week scan gave a Sept 23 due date could you have conceived before Dec 12?

Absolutely not. The later in pregnancy the less accurate the scan. The first two giving a due date of October 2nd will be correct and give you a conception date of around January 9th.

Can you get an accurate due date from vaginal ultrasound at 5 weeks?

You could but keep in mind that it could also very much change depending on how the baby is measuring at the midway ultrasound. Even then the due dates are just estimates!

How accurate is an ultrasound if you do not remember your period?

If you do not remember the date of your last period you can have an ultrasound to determine your due date. More than one ultrasound throughout your pregnancy may be required because ultrasounds are not always accurate. They could be out as little as a couple of days by a matter of weeks.

If your due date from your period differs from your ultrasound due date does that mean high risk of miscarriage?

No, it does not mean that you are in high risk of a misscarriage. The Doctor will normally give a due date with an ultrasound but with a variable of 2 weeks before or after the due date. No worries! Thank you! I also did some other research, and i guess since I just came off the pill, that could have thrown off my ovulation for that month, which could throw off my due date.