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The Age of Reptiles refers to the Mesozoic Era.

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13y ago

The "Age of Reptiles" refers to the Mesozoic. It lasted from 251 to 65.5 million years ago.

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Ordovician Period

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The Mesozoic Era

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Q: The Age of Reptiles occurred during the Era?
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The age of reptiles occurred during the?

The 'Age of Reptiles' occurred during the Mesozoic Era. The Mesozoic Era occurred from 252.17 to 66 million years ago and holds the Cretaceous, Jurassic, and Triassic periods.

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The Mesozoic Era is known as the Age of Reptiles.

What is Mesozoic era known for?

The Reptiles - it was the age of DINOSAURS.

What is the Mesozoic era often called?

Age of Reptiles

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The Jurassic Period was the era known as the Golden Age of Reptiles.

What type of animal lived only during mesozoic era?

The type of animal that lived only during the Mesozoic Era (Age of Reptiles) were the dinosaurs. They evolved during the late Triassic and the Jurassic periods, and were the largest land creatures during the Cretaceous period of the era.

What era did the reptiles appear?

Reptiles first appeared during the Paleozoic Era, specifically the Carboniferous System of the Paleozoic Era. That was about 320 million years ago.

What era's and 3 periods were the age of the dinosaur's?

The Age of Reptiles was the Mesozoic Era. The three periods were the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous.

What is the most successful during the Mesizoic era?

Dinosaurs were the most successful group of animals during the Mesozoic era, dominating terrestrial ecosystems for millions of years. They evolved into a diverse range of shapes and sizes and were the top predators in many environments. The Mesozoic era also saw the rise of flowering plants and the expansion of marine reptiles.

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The Elizabethan era occurred during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England, from 1558 to 1603.