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believed that a republic was the best government to safeguard their rights is it PLATO question i hate that questions

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Q: The American colonies decided to make their new nation a republic because they?
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The American colonies decided to make their new states republics because?

they believed that a republic was the best model to safe gaurd individual rights, mitigate tyranny, and keep government accountable.

Why is the American important?

The American Revolution is significant in the history of America. From 1763 to 1783, Americans declared their independence, waged a war of liberation, transformed the colonies into states, and created a new nation. The American Revolution was important because it separated England from the colonies. The colonies decided to separate from Britain because the parliament was taking away the rights of the colonists including and they broke the social contract binding them together.

Why did American colonies choose to declare independence?

The colonists decided to rebel because the british took away their rights,put on them heavy taxes,and didnt allow them spaces in Parliment( the British Congress).They got fed up and decided to fight for their freedom.

Why did the British government decided to tax the British colonies?

because they wanted to dont ask questions nomore

Why did the stamp happen in the colonies?

The stamp act happened because the British Parliament decided it would be an effective way to raise money. They would use the stamp act to level direct taxes on the American Citizens.

Who did Romans overthrow to make a republic?

The Romans overthrew the last king of Rome, Tarquinius Superbus, because he was a tyrant. They also decided to do away with the monarchy and establish the Republic.

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France decided to help the Americans

How did king george try to solve great britain's financial problems?

King geroge and his minsters decided to collect more taxes from the american colonies

Why did the south become the main battleground of war in 1778?

During the American Revolutionary War, the American South became the main battleground of the war in 1778 because of a change in British strategy. After failures in their northern campaigns, the British decided to take control of the more loyalist, and less heavily defended, American colonies in the South, as a supposedly sure step towards taking over all of the colonies once again.

Why did people in Europe decide to move to the british colonies during the 1600s and 1700s?

The people in Europe decided to move to the colonies during the 1600s and 1700s because they wanted religious freedom.

What are rebels during the American Revolution?

Well, it was before the American Revolution that they revolted. The Patriots revolted because they were being taxed so much and they got tired of it, so they decided to throw the Boston Tea Party.

Why did American support the Latin American countries in their fight for independence?

The Americans decided to help the Latin-Americans in their fight for their independence because of the American Revolution. Latin-Americans were inspired by the American Revolution, therefore, the Americans decided to help in their fight for independence.