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It might be argued it is also divided into two nations by Capitalism: North & South Korea. And no, before you get excited I am not in any way suggesting the folks in the north are better off, manifestly they are not. Neither am I content in the idea of North Korea being a Communist country, it is, was, ruled by a despot.

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Q: The Asian country divided into two nations by communism?
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What Asian country was divided into communists and non communists country?

One European and two Asian nations were divided: East & West Germany; North & South Vietnam; North & South Korea.

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Name the asian nation divided into two nations by communism?

After the first Indochina war, Vietnam was divided into two nations, North Vietnam (Communist) and South Vietnam (anti-Communist), based on the Geneva Accord. After South Vietnam's army fell at the end of the Vietnam War, the two countries became one.Note: Korea was also divided into two nations following World War 2, but the division was based on plans developed by the United Nations which partitioned the country along the 38th parallel, with the Soviet Union adminstering the northern part and the United States administering the southern part. The politics of the Cold War resulted in the 1948 establishment of two separate governments, North Korea and South Korea.

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