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The Constitution provides a framework for separation of powers among the three branches of government (executive, legislative, judicial), establishes the powers of each branch, delineates their responsibilities, and outlines the rights of individuals. It leaves room for interpretation and flexibility in implementation, allowing for future adaptations as needed.

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Q: The Constitution gives suggestions but does not state how the national government should be structured?
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Federalism refers to how power is distributed?

Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between a central, national government and regional governments, typically states or provinces. This division allows for both levels of government to have their own areas of authority while also sharing some powers. The Constitution outlines the distribution of powers in a federal system of government.

Is creating national parks a power of the state government or the federal?

Creating national parks is primarily a power of the federal government. While states can establish their own parks, national parks are typically created and managed by the federal government through agencies like the National Park Service.

What turning point would best end an ear called establishing national law?

The establishment of a national constitution defining the rights and responsibilities of citizens and government could provide a clear turning point in the journey towards creating a national legal framework. This would formalize the legal structure and provide a solid foundation for the rule of law in the country.

How did the Philadelphia delegates draft a document that would both meet the needs of the country and balance power between local and central authority?

The Philadelphia delegates drafted the US Constitution by creating a system of checks and balances that distributed power between branches of government. They also incorporated federalism, allowing for a balance of power between the national government and the states. Additionally, they included a process for amending the Constitution to adapt to changing needs.

When are national elections held?

National elections are typically held on specified dates as outlined in a country's constitution or electoral laws. Each country sets its own schedule for national elections, which can vary widely. In many countries, national elections are held every few years to elect representatives or a new government.

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Did the Constitution create a stronger national or state government?

yes, the constitution created a stronger national government :)

Why did Antifederalists dislike Constitution Constitution?

the national government would be to strong

What defines the structure of the national government?

A constitution.

The purpose of what document was to link the states into a stronger national or federal government-?

The purpose of the constitution was to link the states into a stronger national or federal government.

What is the source of the national government delegated power?

the constitution

Which powers are granted to the national government by the constitution?


What document gives the national government their power?

the constitution

Did the constitution also create a weaker national government?

no, it did not.

What document is the source of power national government?


Is national government in the constitution?

CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES sets forth the nation's fundamental laws.It establishes the form of the national government and defines the rights and liberties of the American people. It also lists the aims of the national government and the methods of achieving them.

The constitution grants these powers to the national government?

Delegated Powers

What type of national government did the Constitution create?

A Federal Republic