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Tonsils regress after childhood and may be almost unnoticable in any adult.

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Q: The Dr could not find your tonsils but you never had them removed?
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What could be wrong if you keep coughing but you don't have a cold and you just got your tonsils out?

Any irritation to the throat, bronchial tubes or lungs can cause a cough. Having your tonsils removed definitely irritates your throat and can cause a cough. However, to know for sure what is causing the cough and to find out if the cough could cause a problem after the recent tonsillectomy (such as trigger bleeding), it would be good to contact the surgeon who removed your tonsils and report the cough for them to determine what, if any, treatment you may need.

Where does the pus on your tonsils come from?

It depends... Sometimes the tonsils are infected with bacteria (tonsillitis) and pus will drain out. If this is recurring, there might be an indication to have them removed (tonsillectomy). It you find that what is coming out is hard and white but your throat doesn't hurt, you might simply have tonsils with crypts in which food particles get stuck.

Will hot water help with tonsil swelling?

No, and it could make it worse. Heat should not be applied to anything swollen. Swelling is usually helped by cold, not heat. But if it is your tonsils, you may need to find out if you need to have them removed.

Why is a tonsillectomy ok for kids not adults?

Some adults do have tonsillectomies. It's not that tonsillectomies are only suitable for kids, it's that if the person is going to need their tonsils out they will generally know about it when they are quite young (too many throat infections already so it's decided they should be removed). The patients just tend to find out early so don't keep their tonsils to adulthood, so never have them removed when they're adults.

What are the three things you expect to find if you inspect the throat?

You need to see if you can find the patch of diphtheria. (Which is never seen by the contributor.) Then redness of throat and enlargement of tonsils.

Where can you find pictures of human tonsils?

The best source to find pictures of human tonsils are in medical books. Tonsils help keep the immune system healthy as they are the first line of defense against to viruses and bacteria.

Where would you find the adenoids?

in the back of the throat, near the tonsils.

Where you can find the tonsils in human body?

They are in the throat, click on "All about adenoids" under "Related links" below.

Can neck glands stay swollen for two months?

Yes, obviously. Find out why - you could be contagious. Could be a goiter, could be mumps, or worse. My little brother discovered throat cancer when he had his tonsils out. How olds your brother? Can little kids get cancer?

Which is grammatically correct - 1 Never cease to amaze you what you can find in or 2 Never cease to amaze you what you could find in?


Can tonsils disappear?

They can fall out. One of my husband's did after a bad infection and he swallowed it. - true story. lol Yes, this is weird, but true! My father was running on the playground as a kid and he sort of coughed with his head turned and they flew out. He never could find them on the ground or anything, but when he was examined by a doctor, they weren't there! And my aunt, his sister, coughed hers up into her hand as a child. Their aunt did the same thing, I think she was an adult, though. It must run in my family, but I'm glad I didn't inherit that particular trait!

Where can you get Justin Bieber never say never tickets?

I would say you could probably find some on the Internet, find a contest to win them or find someone selling them!