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Q: The Greek playwright whose tragic heroes bring about their own destruction was?
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What does furious have to do with Greek mythology?

There are furies in Greek Mythology that played a central role in avenging the tragic death of playwright Ibycus.

What is the goal of tragic playwright?

Tragic Playwright was a way in expressing various emotions in Ancient Greek History. Some causes of Tragic Playwright were wars and stress caused by loss of family. Aristotle Wrote over 200, though most were in forms of drafts and manuscripts. War had a very big role in Ancient History, which is why many Tragic Playwrights were written. (to express inside emotions) Hope this helped!

How are Shakespeare tragedies different from Greek tragedy?

Shakespeare's protagonists are less rigidly defined than Greek heroes, and they combine both tragic and comic elements.

How is Willy Loman different from the tragic heroes of ancient Greek tragedies?

He does not come from a rich or noble background

What playwrights wrote tragic heroes who lacked the noble qualities typical of their counterparts in Greek tragedy?

I, III, and IV

How is willy lo man different from the tragic heroes of ancient Greek tragedies?

he does not come from a rich or noble background.

The Greek playwright who added elaborate stage settings and a flute accompaniment to his tragedies was?

The Greek playwright who added elaborate state settings and a flute accompaniment to his tragedies was Sophocles. Euphrides was also a Greek playwright that used this type of stage presence.

Which Greek playwright wrote Oedipus Rex?


What Greek playwright wrote 'Oedipus Rex'?


Which Greek playwright wrote Oepidus Rex?


What is 'Oedipus Rex'?

A play written by Sophocles, the Greek playwright.

Does Creon believe that an effective tragic hero must have elements of evil and good?

Theban King Creon doesn't talk about tragic heroes be they effective or ineffective. He instead sees himself as the only hero in a world defined by obedience or disobedience to his will. The Theban who obeys is good, but still no more than a subject. The Theban who disobeys is evil and undeserving of balanced judgment, fair treatment or even fundamental acknowledgment as a fellow mortal let alone Theban.But that isn't the categorical, limited world view of Creon's creator, Socrates [496 B.C.E.-406 B.C.E.]. And yes, the ancient Greek playwright identifies the heroes and villains among his characters in different terms. Those who are heroic do great deeds or have great powers of strength. But his heroes meet unheroic ends because of fatal tragic flaws within their personalities. So Sophocles' heroes are glorious because of the good that they do and yet inglorious because of poor choices and decisions that bring evil into their lives and the lives of others.