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Q: The League of Nations did not prevent Germany and Italy Italian aggression against other nations because what?
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The league of nations did not prevent German and Italian aggression against other nations because it?

Had no standing army and no real power to enforce its decrees

Why didn't the leagues of nation prevent Germany and Italian aggression against other nations?

The League of Nations, much like the UN, was a 'toothless dog' that all dictators and despots laughed at. Do you see the UN stopping mass killing in Syria, or Sudan or other places where innocent civilians are being decimated .

How did nations become agressors help cause world war 2?

When Germany aggressively took over Poland and Japan showed aggression against the United States the war escalated. The US declared war against Germany. Oddly enough Germany also declared war against the United States on December 11, 1941. So Hitler's aggression was aimed at the US too.

Why did Britain and France take no action against Italian aggression?

Because they weren't sure they could win a war against the Italians, who had established ties with Germany. The Italian leader Mussolini dreamed of building a colonial empire in Africa like those of Britain and France, and had a formidable navy.

Why did the national league of nation prevent German and Italian aggression against other nations?

The League of Nations attempted to prevent German and Italian aggression through diplomatic negotiations, economic sanctions, and collective security measures. However, these efforts were not always successful in deterring the aggressive actions of these countries. Additionally, the League itself lacked the necessary enforcement mechanisms and the support of major powers to effectively curb the aggression of its member states.

When was the War Against Japanese Aggression?

WW2; the axis powers (Germany, Japan, and Italy).

What caused U. S. opinion to be against Germany?

The imperial ambitions of Germany worried those with trading ties to Europe, and Germany had targeted the shipping of neutral nations such as the US.

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What does Article 10 of the League of Nations Covenant provided for?

It was an attempt to guarantee the territorial integrity and political independence of member states against aggression.

Was France successful in the war against Germany?

No. They lost to Germany in the first full year of the war and the other Allied Nations had to liberate them.

What nations allied against France during world war 2?

Germany, Italy and Japan