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Q: The Mammoth-Flint cave system which at 300 miles long is the largest underground cave in the world is in what state?
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The largest known underground cave system in the world?

The Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, USA, is the largest known underground cave system in the world, with over 400 miles of passages mapped and explored. It is a popular destination for cave enthusiasts and tourists due to its vast size and unique geological formations.

Where is the largest underground cave located?

Mammoth CaveADDED: Depends on how to defines largest; but Mammoth - Flint Ridge Caves system has certainly world's longest knowntotal of surveyed passage length, I believe now >400 miles.

What is the system is the largest mountain system in north America?

The largest mountain system in North America is the Rocky Mountains, which extend from Colorado all the way to Alaska, which is about 2500 to 4000 miles. The second largest is The Appalachian Mountains.

What is the oldest subway system in the world?

The London Underground is Europe's largest metro subway system and is the world's oldest underground system (it was inaugurated in 1863). It covers 253 miles of track and transports 976 million people yearly. The Underground is also connected to a variety of rail services to London's surrounding areas (including the Eurostar to Paris). Among these services is the Docklands Light Railway (DLR), a popular driverless light rail extension, which offers many scenic views of the Thames river and surrounding areas Source:

Why is aitkin most significant in the solar system?

The Aitkin Basin is a huge impact crater on the moon, 1,600 miles in diameter and 8.1 miles deep. It is the oldest, deepest and largest crater on the moon, and one of the largest in the entire solar system.

What cave is the largest system that was explored by man?

Mammoth Cave with over 390 miles of passageways is the largest known cave complex.

What is the largest underground labyrinth yet discovered in the US?

The largest discovered underground labyrinth is Carlsbad Caverns in Carlsbad, New Mexico. It has many tunnels and caves that continue for miles.Carlsbad, California is the site of the largest underground labyrinth found in the US. The total length of the labyrinth is still unknown, but the explored part of the main cavern is more than 30 miles long.

What is the worlds largest cave system and how long is it?

Mammoth Cave has about 390 miles, or about 625 kilometers, of underground passages already mapped, far exceeding any other cave system in the world. And that's just what's been mapped -- spelunkers admit they are nowhere near exploring every last tunnel.

Which country's railroad system has the greatest total number of miles?

The United State's Railroad system has the largest network with over 200,000 miles of track, although not all operated at this time.

The lenth of the largest cave system?

The longest cave system is Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, it's length is 367 miles (591 kilometers).

What is the largest continent in square miles?

Asia is the largest with 17,212,000 sq miles.

What is the largest moon in the solar system is?

Ganymede, the largest moon in the solar system, has a radius of 2,634.1 km and orbits Jupiter, the fifth planet from the sun in our solar system.