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Egypt and nubia

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Q: The Nile River was home to what two ancient civilizations?
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Which river was home to ancient civilizations in both Egypt and Nubia?

The Nile, If you go further south it splits into the Blue nile and the White Nile as tributaries

Which of these river systems was home to ancient civilizations in both Egypt and Nubia?

Study Island question.... The answer is the Nile River.

What river in Africa is home to most major civilizations?

The Nile River.

What African site was home to some of the earliest river valley civilizations?

The Nile River

What animals made their home in the river Nile in Ancient Egypt?

It was the Nile crocodile.

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Give two examples of how the Nile river shaped ancient Egypt?

The Nile River supported a large, settled population on its banks, and it allowed the Egyptians to traded with their southern neighbors the Nubians. The Nile was home to crocodiles and hippopotamuses, which appear as deities and fearsome mythical creatures in ancient Egyptian religion.

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What African site was home to some of the earliest river valley?

The Nile River

Which continent is home to the longest river and what is the name of this river?

Africa is home to the world's longest river. This is the Nile at over 6,500 km.

Which of the river systems was home to Angie televisions in both Egypt and Nubia?

Nile River

What two ancient civilizations is Mediterranean Europe home to?

Rome and Greece.