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Methuselah was the bird in the book

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Q: The Poisonwood Bible of character of Methuselah?
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Related questions

Was Methuselah created by Zeus?

No, Methuselah is a character from the Bible.

When was The Poisonwood Bible created?

The Poisonwood Bible was created in 1998.

How many pages does The Poisonwood Bible have?

The Poisonwood Bible has 546 pages.

Which Bible character lived the longest?

the person lived long in bible is METHUSELAH . the grandfather of Noah. he lived 969 years.

What is the ISBN of The Poisonwood Bible?

The ISBN of The Poisonwood Bible is 0-06-017540-0.

In the book the poisonwood Bible what is bangala?

"dearly beloved" when spoken slowly/"poisonwood tree" when spoken quickly

What is the significance of the title of the book The Poisonwood Bible?

The title "The Poisonwood Bible" refers to the fictional Bible used by the character Nathan Price to spread his misguided beliefs in the Congo. It symbolizes how his teachings and actions, like poisonwood, have destructive consequences on his family and the people he tries to convert. The title highlights themes of colonization, cultural clashes, and the consequences of imposing one's beliefs on others.

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Is there an example of Euphemism in the poisonwood bible?

Yes, an example of a euphemism in "The Poisonwood Bible" is when Orleanna Price refers to Nathan Price's dictatorial behavior towards their family as "church discipline," downplaying the severity of his actions.

Who is the oldest that ever lived in the bible?


How old was Methuselah at death?

According to the Bible (Genesis 5), Methuselah was 969 years old when he died. That's almost a millennium! This is the oldest person recorded in the Bible.

Who breaks Orleanna's plate in poisonwood bible?

Nathan Price. He breaks it after their dinner with Anatole.