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Messenger RNA

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Q: The RNA that exits the nuclear pores to the cytosol on its way to the ribosome is called?
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How does the MRNA get out of the nucleus?

It gets out through the nuclear pores and enters the cytoplasm.

What regulates protein production in the nucleus?

Protein production in the nucleus is regulated by various factors such as transcription factors, RNA polymerases, and regulatory elements like promoters and enhancers. Additionally, post-transcriptional processes like mRNA processing and nuclear export can also impact protein production. Ultimately, the coordination of these processes ensures proper regulation of protein synthesis within the nucleus.

Molecular biologists have determined that during protein synthesis that the messenger RNA exits the nucleus through small openings in the nuclear envelope These openings are known as?

Pore complexes, I think.

What Muscular ring through which feces passes out of the body?

The name of the opening where waste exits through the human body is called the anal opening. The anus is another term for it, though the anus is more where the waste is stored directly before it exits the human body (which is why the opening is called the analopening).

What are 3 basic parts of a cell?

cell membrane (cell wall), nucleus, centrosome, protoplasm, and nuclear membrane these are the main for just 3, i guess you can pick The 3 basic cell parts are: 1. Plasma Membrane- The outer boundary of the cell. It controls what enters and exits the cell. 2. Cytoplasm- Portion of cell outside of the nucleus; is a semi-fluid cytosol with imbedded organelles. 3. A Control Center- Contains the DNA and controlls cell activities. In most cells this is a nucleus but not all.

Related questions

What are some some characteristics of a nucleus?

The nucleus is the control center of a cell, containing genetic material like DNA. It is surrounded by a double membrane called the nuclear envelope that regulates what enters and exits the nucleus. The nucleus also contains the nucleolus, which plays a role in ribosome production.

What are exits called in UK?

Exits are called exits, or way out

How does the MRNA get out of the nucleus?

It gets out through the nuclear pores and enters the cytoplasm.

How do you beat level 26 on 100 exits?

Just download the app called Cheats for 100 exits.

An ion that exits by itself is called a what?

An ion that exits by itself is called a free ion.

What is the hole at which the bullet exits a gun?

This is called the "muzzle" of the gun.

What regulates protein production in the nucleus?

Protein production in the nucleus is regulated by various factors such as transcription factors, RNA polymerases, and regulatory elements like promoters and enhancers. Additionally, post-transcriptional processes like mRNA processing and nuclear export can also impact protein production. Ultimately, the coordination of these processes ensures proper regulation of protein synthesis within the nucleus.

What allows the RNA to exit the nucleus?

mRNA exits the nucleus after it binds to TAP/p15 protein. This protein helps the mRNA through the hydrophobic nuclear pore. Other RNAs bind to Exportine-proteins, which help them to pass the pore.

What is food called after exits the stomach?

It is called chyme once it gets out of the stomach into the small intestin.

Molecular biologists have determined that during protein synthesis that the messenger RNA exits the nucleus through small openings in the nuclear envelope These openings are known as?

Pore complexes, I think.

How many exits are there in Virginia?

There are 173 exits in Virginia.

What is the order in which proteins are synthesized?

An export protein starts its journey where it is created, the ribosomes. Next it travels to the Rough ER where it assists in moving the protein to the Golgi Apparatus. At the Golgi the protein is "packaged and shipped" to the cell membrane where it leaves the cell.