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Q: The Sedition Act was aimed at the supporters of what?
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The Sedition Act was aimed at the supporters of which political party?


What are activities aimed at weakening a government called?

Activities aimed at weakening an established government is called Sedition

The two key laws aimed at enforcing loyalty and suppressing antiwar dissent were?

The two key laws aimed at enforcing loyalty and suppressing antiwar dissent (in the UK) were: the Espionage Act and the Sedition Act.

What term refers to activities aimed at weakening established government?


Who were the alien and sedition acts primarily aimed at?

They were aimed mostly at French and Irish immigrants.

What does sedition referring in the alien and sedition acts?

It refers to activities aimed at weakening established government.

What activities are aimed at weakening a government?

Activities aimed at weakening an established government is called Sedition

What was the negative consequence of the sedition act?

A negative consequence of the Sedition Act?

What was Not a goal of alien and sedition acts?

to punish supporters of federalism

Who was against the alien and sedition act?

The Republicans supported the Alien Act and they opposed the Sedition Act. The Federalist liked the Sedition Act because it was supposed to destroy the Republicans.

When was the sedition act and espionage act repealed?

The Sedition Act was a part of the Espionage Act. The Sedition Act was repealed in 1921, however the Espionage Act remains intact today, albeit a more limited form.

What liberty did the Sedition Act limit?

The Sedition Act limited freedom of speech and protest.