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Q: The State located between the union and the confederacy?
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What was the difference between the Confederacy and the Union?

the union has more factories and bigger population than the confederacy.

Was Tennessee a part of the union or confederacy?

Tennessee was Confederate state. However the people of the state were divided and many joined the Union army. Its capital, Nashville, fell early to the Union advance but many big and important battles were fought in the state. Many of the Union supporters in Tennessee were located in the eastern part of the state.

What battles took place between the union and confederacy in Arizona?

None. The only western state to have anything was Texas.

What state was not apart in Confederacy nor the Union?


Is Hawaii pat of union or confederacy?

not a state at that time

Was Kentucky a union state before Jefferson Davis was elected president of the Confederacy?

Kentucky was always a Union state in the sense that it remained in the Union throughout the Civil War. As a border state it had numbers of people who preferred the Confederacy and numbers of people who preferred the Union.

Was South Carolina a union state?

No, South Carolina was part of the Confederacy. It was actually the first state to secede from the Union.

A loose union of independent state is?

see messil

Was Alabama Union or Confederate or was the state divided?

It was confederacy

Was the state Jefferson Davis represented a union state or a confederacy state?

Davis represented Mississippi and that was a Confederate state and the second state to secede from the Union.

What were the points of view between the union and confederacy?

the union (north)was against slavery and wanted to keep the union while the Confederacy (south) was pro slavery and wanted to brake away from the union

States located between the union and the confederacy?

All of the states at that time either stayed in the Union or joined the Confederacy. Geographically. Geographically, there were no states in between the two nations. The Border States is the term given to the slave states that chose to stay in the Union. They included Kentucky, Delaware, Maryland, Missouri and West Virginia. (West Virginia succeeded from Virginia after Virginia succeeded from the Union in order to avoid fighting for the Confederacy.) They were all near the border of the Confederacy. They knew that whichever side they chose, there would likely be fighting on their territory.