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Indirectly, as it says that "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes . . ."

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Q: The US Constitution says Americans must pay taxes?
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True or false the US Constitution says Americans must pay taxes?

False. The constitution states that the government has to power to tax citizens, but it does not state clearly that those citizens must pay the taxes. It also goes on to state "Duties, Impost and Excise". It dose not state to place any direct taxes upon the citizens, that constitutes "involuntary servitude" (SLAVERY) clearly in conflict with the United States Constitution.

What article of the constitution says that the federal laws must be obeyed?

Article 6 of the constitution says that if state laws disagree with federal laws, the federal law must be obeyed.

What must a state recognize by all other states?

Look in the constitution, it says it there

A religious leader says his congregation should have no leader except god and requests his congregation to not pay taxes?

NovaNet! That is not a right protected by the Constitution.

Who said The federal government must not be allowed to do more than what the Constitution specifically says it can do?

Andrew Jackson

It is stated in the Constitution that the President must deliver an annual State of the Union address to Congress and the nation?

All the Constitution says is that he shall do so from "time to time". And it need not be a speech.

What document states the rights and responsibilities of Americans?

The U.S. Constitution states the powers of the government and the limits of the people. The Bill of Rights says a citizens rights.

The legislative districts must redistrict after the census every 10 years. The Illinois Constitution says these districts must be these three things.?

Compact, contiguous, and about the same in population

What the constitution says?

The Constitution gives personal freedoms, such as the right to bear arms, free speech, and religious freedoms. It also lays down the rules and regulations on how the government must be ran.

What does Article 4 of the US Constitution mean in plain English?

it basicly says states must respect each others laws and such

What is the origin of the State of the Union Address?

In the constitution it says the President must address the congress over the State Of The Union once a year.

Where is it stated that Americans have religious freedom?

In the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights, which is part of the US Constitution, it says that Congress shall make no laws prohibiting the practice of religion.