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depth perception, it is what allows you to tell how far away things are. Have someone toss you a whiffle ball and try to catch it with one eye closed (dont do it with a Baseball, or you could hurt yourself) and you will see that is is much harder and infact impossible for somepeople to catch the ball.

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Where does the digestive tract start and end in a fetal pig?

The hepatic duct and the cystic duct extend from the gallbladder and merge to form the common bile duct which carries bile to and from the gallbladder.(Bile is collected in tiny ducts that merge to form the bile ducts of the hepatic triads, which, in turn, join to form the hepatic duct, which carries bile from the liver)

How does a hen at commercial egg farm lay an egg without fertilization by a male?

In order for an egg to form, two gametes must merge to form a zygote. Once this happens, the zygote matures to form an egg. If the gamete does not merge, then it simply passes out of the chickens excretory system

What would happen if you merged a snake with a dog?

Scientifically, there is no way to fully genetically merge a snake with a dog. If you mean in fantasy, what you would have would surely be an interesting creature. A snake can sometimes eat a dog, but that might not be what you mean.

Is fingerprint a discontinuous variation?

Yes it is, because in discontinuous variation, the differences are clear cut and discrete, meaning that they will not merge/blend into each other. Another example of discontinuous variation would be horns in cattle. There is either the presence or absence of horns on a cow, you will not see a cow "almost having a horn".

Con you put baby chicks in the pin with other chicken and a rooster?

Yes and no. When adding new chickens to an existing flock there are many steps and stages. One concern is the possibility of bringing in new germs or diseases. It is best to quarantine new birds for 30 days. Afterwards introducing one of your flock to the new chick while keeping separate for another week. After all of these steps then you can introduce the new flock to the existing flock at night while everyone is roosting. This is the best time for the merging of chickens. New baby chicks that are smaller than the other chickens are in danger of being picked on and destroyed by older chickens. They should be kept in separate area until they are at least 8 weeks old before the merge and then watched carefully. You can also place them in a smaller cage and put this cage in the new coop for several weeks before the merge.

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How do you merge images on Microsoft paint?

You can't.

How do you merge two images in Mac PS cs4?

put it on separate layers one above other right click and choose merge visible

How do you put 2 digital images together?

You select both pictures and click merge.

How do you merge answers on WikiAnswers?

Only Supervisors have the ability to merge questions. Non-supervisors who reword questions may trigger a merge that will be sent to a Community Assistant for review. If the two questions should be merged, the CA will merge them.

What is it called when two tornadoes merge?

When two tornadoes merge, it is just called merging; there is no special term.

What is a mailing list also called in Microsoft Word?

Sometimes it is called a mail merge, and the result of a mail merge is a list of form letters.

How do you group images in Photoshop?

I'm not sure what you exactly mean, but if you mean how to merge layers, select all layers (Using CTRL and left click), then right click on them and select merge layers.

What are the air sacs that merge in emphysema called?

They are called alveoli.

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I have two pieces of clip art that I want to merge so that there's no border in the middle and they're both one picture. How?

If a person has two pieces of clipart they wish to merge together to eliminate a border, they will first be required to paste both images on a much larger background. They will then need to erase around both images to eliminate the previous/different background on the original images.

When nyu poly will merge completely with nyu?

Nyu poly is already merged with nyu. It wat called polytech before the merge and now is called nyu poly.

What does it mean when homologous chromosomes crossover?

When homologous chromosomes crossover, they merge one chromatid with the other. One small part of the chromosome will now be part of the other, and the opposite chromosome will have a part of the other chromosome in place of where it switched it's own to the other. It's a bit confusing, but you can search google images to get visual aid.