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The question asks "you" so the answer would be "I" Literally you would translate "I have ___ years," which means, in English I am ___ years old. Note in French you MUST have the word "years." Translation: I=Je(J'), conjugation of "avoir," the French verb "to have" for first person singular pronoun=ai, year(s)=an(s). J'ai ___ an(s) where ___ is your age, the s is used if your age is above 1 (which is probably true).

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Q: The answer for Quel age as-tu in french?
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How do you replie to Quel age as-tu in french?

You can reply to "Quel âge as-tu?" in French by saying "J'ai [votre âge] ans." This means "I am [your age] years old."