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receptive field

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Q: The area of the skin where stimulation generates action potentials in a particular sensory neuron is called that neuron's?
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How do motor neurons receive instructions from adjacent neurons?

These instructions are received in the form of an impulse stimulation of a particular protein channel on the dendrite by a neurotransmitter termed acetycholine (ACh).

How can you tell the difference between a stroke across the cheek and a slap across the face?

1. A light touch, such as a stroke on the cheek, generates a low frequency of action potentials. A firmer pressure, such as a slap, elicits action potentials that pass down the axon at a higher frequency. A second factor is the number of sensory neurons activated. A slap stimulates a larger number of pressure sensitive neurons than a stroke does.

Where do graded potentials occur?

On the dendrites and subsequently the soma (body) of neurons.

Which sensation arise from stimulation of neurons in the skin?

Cutaneous Sensations

What cells have the ability to respond to stimuli by generating signals such as action potentials?

neurons and muscle cells

What is a tiny branching thread-like structure found in neurons?

There are two possible answers - axons or dendrites. Axons carry action potentials away from the neuron, while dendrites receive action potentials.

What are relay neurons?

An interneuron (also called relay neuron, association neuron, connector neuron or local circuit neuron) is a neuron that forms a connection between other neurons. Interneurons are neither motor nor sensory.

What is the definition of trans-stimulation?

Trans-stimulation is a procedure used to depolarize the neurons in the brain. Electromagnetic is used to weaken the electrical currents that are currently running through the human brain.

How does transduction allow your body to experience its senses?

stimulation of the neurons in the ganglion.

What is the role of the neurons in transmitting electrochemical impulses?

They send the chemical impulses that are released at the synapses from the synaptic terminal of the axon of the first neuron. It merges from the dendrites to the second neuron.

Does skeletal muscle need stimulation to contract?

Yes! Although we have total control over these muscles, they still need stimulation to contract. The difference with muscles that we don't control is that we decide if we want to make this stimulation.

Neurons have the ability to send signals. What particular property do they have?
