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Q: The bacteria which are below the gum line may cause tooth lose?
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What happens to a decaying tooth if a dentist isn't seen and the tooth decays below the gum line?

poo grows on it :>

What is the difference between supragingival and subgingival?

Gingival pertains to the gums. supragingival pertains to the tooth surface above the gum line, and subgingival pertains to the tooth surface below the gum line or neck of the tooth.

How is the tooth decay related with plaque?

Plaque forms around the gum line & is not easily removed by brushing alone & becomes harder over time damaging the tooth enamel allowing bacteria to enter the tooth & cause decay. A professional clean is also far more effective at removing tartar and staining, making your mouth look and feel fresh, clean and healthy.

What could be the soft lump under your left jaw line and the hard lump above your left jaw line be both are very painful hurts to touch move and to your neck down.?

It is very possibly an abscess or infected (and impacted) tooth at the root level or even in the bone if it has been present for some time. One serious side effect, some bacteria that cause infections in your your mouth is their ability to cause a life-threatening infection of the lining of the heart or heart valve that can occur when bacteria enters the bloodstream.

Your tooth broke off at the gum?

tooth broke off at gum line

What causes tooth abcesses?

Tooth abscesses are typically caused by bacterial infections within the tooth or in the surrounding gum tissue. The following factors can contribute to the development of a tooth abscess: Tooth Decay: When dental cavities (tooth decay) are left untreated, bacteria can penetrate deep into the tooth, reaching the dental pulp. The bacteria multiply and cause an infection, leading to an abscess. Gum Disease: Periodontal (gum) disease is an inflammatory condition caused by bacteria in plaque and tartar buildup. In advanced stages of gum disease, bacteria can invade the gum tissue and cause an abscess. Dental Trauma: Physical trauma or injury to a tooth, such as a fracture or a deep crack, can create an entry point for bacteria. If the bacteria reach the dental pulp, an infection and abscess can develop. Failed Dental Procedures: In some cases, a previous dental treatment, such as a root canal or filling, may fail to completely eliminate the infection. This can lead to a recurrent infection and the formation of an abscess. Weakened Immune System: Individuals with weakened immune systems, such as those with certain medical conditions or undergoing certain treatments (e.g., chemotherapy), may be more susceptible to dental infections and abscesses. Common symptoms of a tooth abscess include severe toothache, persistent throbbing pain, swelling of the face or gums, sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, bad breath, and a foul-tasting discharge. If you suspect you have a tooth abscess, it is important to seek dental care promptly to prevent further complications. Treatment typically involves draining the abscess, removing the source of infection (such as tooth decay or diseased tissue), and administering antibiotics. In some cases, root canal treatment or tooth extraction may be necessary to eliminate the infection and restore oral health. Regular dental check-ups and maintaining good oral hygiene practices can help prevent tooth abscesses by addressing dental issues early on and promoting overall oral health.

Your 7 year old gum line in turning black what can cause this?

Serious tooth decay or possibly something like eating black gummies?

Is bacteria dangerous to children?

It depends on what kind of bacteria you're talking about. Many bacteria in our own bodies are useful and helpful - for example, the bacteria in our digestive system that takes food and converts it in to the elements we need to survive. Other bacteria can be deadly, such a staph bacteria that cause infections. Bottom line is that not all bactiera are harmful.

What first line of defence will stop bacteria?

what first line of defence wiil stop bacteria

What is the perpose of a toothbrush?

A toothbrush is designed to remove food material from teeth. The problem with food material on teeth is that bacteria start to live in the food and digest(eat it) it. As the bacteria digest the food, they produce chemicals that attack teeth. Eventually, holes appear in the hard enamel on the outside of the tooth. The soft inside of the tooth (the dentin) can then be infected by other bacteria. If you don't get a filling in any holes that appear, you might get a serious infection in the root of the tooth that leads to an absess. An absess is very painfull and needs treating with antibiotics, followed by root canal treatment. Sometimes, you might even lose the tooth. It is important to brush regularly so that a mixture of food residue and bacteria called plaque, does not build up on your teeth. Flossing is also important because toothbrushes cannot reach every part of the teeth- like below the gum line and between close fitting teeth. The types of tooth brush used most often are ordinary manual toothbrushes, electric tooth brushes and sonic electric toothbrushes. Sonic electric toothbrushes are very valuable because you don't need to floss- they reach every part of the teeth and clean thoroughly.

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what is Below-the-line-advertising?

What tooth surface is closest to the mid line?
