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Q: The battle of the Atlantic slowly turned in favor of the allies in part due to technology including depth charges sonar and?
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Related questions

Who won the Battle of the Atlantic of the Atlantic campaign?

the allies won the battle to control the alantic

Who won the Atlantic battle during world war 2?

The Battle of the Atlantic was won by Britain and her Allies .

What technology did the allies develop?

Atomic Bomb

Who said Our greatest allies are the Pacific and the Atlantic?

Bueller bueller?

Who are Canadas allies?

N.A.T.O (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

What helped the Allied gain the advantage in the Battle of the Atlantic?

The Allies Bypassed the Atlantic to confront the Germans directly in Eourpe

What do the allies do to the Germans during D day?

The allies pushed the German armies back from the 'Atlantic Wall' and advanced into France

Who were Norway's allies during World War 2?

Norway's allies were Britain, and the allies including the U.S.

What did the Allies do to protect their merchant ships in the Atlantic Ocean?

arm the merchant ships

What enabled the Allies to win the Battle of the Atlantic?

Despite many losses, the Allies prevailed in the Battle of the Atlantic in part due to High Freqency Direction Finding radio technology and interception and decryption of Enigma-encoded signals. In addition, use of aircraft carrier escorts and development of the B-24 Liberator closed the so-called "mid-Atlantic gap" which had been out of aircraft range for the early years of the war. Land forces also played a part, as Germany scuttled hundreds of submarines when their bases were threatened by Allied armies.

In 1941 President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill created the that included eight principles for which the Allies were fighting.?

Winston Churchill and President Roosevelt created the Atlantic Charter. This included the eight principles for which the allies were fighting on.

How did the allies secure the Atlantic ocean during world war 2?

they pooped in the water!