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No, no eating disorder of any kind should be ignored (whether it be weight loss or weight gain). The person must be addressed about any concerns friends or family may have. The problem may be deeper than that, and the person will need support, perhaps even therapy. If the person is being ignored and they're serious about proceeding with the eating disorder, then you know the person is in real danger. Either way it should be addressed.

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Q: The best thing you can do for someone you suspect may have an eating disorder is to ignore the problem?
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Can someone with bipolar disorder have an eating disorder?

Yes, anyone may experience an eating disorder for many reasons, including stress or poor self image. If you are bipolar and suspect that you have an eating disorder, this is something to discuss with your therapist and/or medical doctor.

What is a dietary disorder?

someone, who has a disorder eating.

What are eating dissorder?

An eating Disorder is when someone has a problem were they think they're fat. Then they don't eat or if the do they make themselves sick after... ( I think...) :)

Does someone who works out constantly skips meals on purpose is afraid of being fat and constantly checking there weight have an eating disorder?

Yes, this is an eating disorder and I suspect you think so too. Go get help or help the person who does this go get help.

What are signs to look for in someone with an eating disorder?

someone with an eating disorder may show signs of depression in the more obvious cases but in the more secrative cases the person may have suddenlt lack in self confidence. However an eating disorder may be hidden in ones diet, just because they're eating doesn't mean they're not sick. for exampl they may eat only protein which has no fat but burns quickly in the system. it's better to consult a doctor or counsiler if you suspect an eating disorder. :)

How do you get someone to notice you have an eating disorder?

Tell them.

Does Justin Bieber have eating problem?

Yes, Justin Bieber admits he is anorexic and he does have a serious Eating Disorder problem.

Should you tell someone that you have an eating disorder?

Yes. Secrets are part of the disorder.

In 'Girl Interrupted' what disorder did Daisy have?

OCD & an eating problem.

Is not wanting to eat an eating disorder?

Not in and of itself, but not wanting to eat can often be a sign of an eating disorder or a much more serious health problem.

What would someone lack of if they had a eating disorder?

They would lack normal eating habits.

What are the symptoms of the eating disorder EDNOS?

The eating disorder known as EDNOS (Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified) is usually diagnosed to someone that is struggling from eating disorder behaviors but does not have the symptoms of bulimia or anorexia. Some symptoms of EDNOS include constant concern about food and weight, behaviors such as restricting eating or that compensate for eating (like exercising or purging).