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One main cause of it's wide spread through Europe in the middle ages was do to witchcraft. They believed that cats were a sing of witchcraft, so when the people kept dieing the were killing off all the cats not realizing that the disease was being spread by rats. Thus there were no more cats to kill off the rats, resulting in massive spreading.

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Q: The black plagues causes and effects?
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What were some causes and effects of the intolerable acts?

Some of the effects are as follows:A. Suicide throughout coloniesB. Plagues and diseasesC. Mass MurderD. Increased sale of tobaccoE. Livestock being destroyedF. Depression throughoutG. Mass MigrationsEtc.Did that help?

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This is due to the fact that the plagues were specifically addressed against the Egyptians. It was the Egyptian Pharaoh who was refusing to let the Israelites go.

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the cure is the garlic specimen 1409 :)

What causes plagues and how does the plague infect humans?

Plagues are caused by highly infectious microorganisms (also known as germs). These plagues are sometimes transmitted by various types of animals such as mosquitoes or fleas, which bite people and introduce the microorganism into the blood. In the case of the Bubonic Plague (also known as the Black Death) it is believed that mice and rats carried fleas which carried the infectious organism, Pasteurella pestis.

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When we see a device and don't understand the functioning (we see only the causes or effects of the action) this is a black box.

Why did people call the black death the Bubbonic Plague?

Becuase the plagues name was bubbonical

When was the black plagues last out break?

The black plague peaked in Europe in 1348 to 1350. The black death killed 30-60% of Europes population.

What were the causes and effects of the black death on how time was viewed by a society?

People thought that it was punishment from god. They lost their faith on church and god.

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What negative effects can black rats do?

What negative effects can black rats do

What were the plagues in Ancient Rome?

the plagues were Gleniksons and maccafees