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Physical weathering.

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Q: The breakdown of rocks and minerals into smaller particles without a change in composition is called?
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Related questions

What is the term weathering?

physical, chemical or biological breakdown of rocks and minerals into smaller sized particles.

Digestion is the?

The breakdown of food into smaller and smaller particles that can be absorbed into the tiny cells that make up the body.

What is the breakdown of rock into smaller particles from the effects of wind water or ice?

Possibly weathering

What is the grouping of silicate and non-silicate minerals based on?

The grouping of silicate and non-silicate minerals is based on whether they contain silicon and oxygen. Silicate minerals are divided into smaller groups based on their structure. Non-silicate minerals are didvided into smaller groups based on their composition.

How does bolus pass through oesophagus?

On passing along the oesophagus, mastication [breakdown of large food particles into smaller particles] takes place so that it can b easily digested and swallowed..

Does the size of the particles of solute affect the solubility of the substance?

The size of the particles of solute do not affect the solubility of a substance, which is determined by its chemical composition, but it does affect how quickly it dissolves. The smaller the particles of the solute, the faster it will dissolve.

What is the result of all mechanical weathering and why is it important?

The end result of mechanical weathering is smaller rock particles. The breakdown of rock into smaller and smaller particles is important because it provides material and nutrients in soils on which most land plant growth relies. We, in turn, rely on plant organisms as part of the food chain.

The breakdown of rock into smaller and smaller pieces?


How does mechanical breakdown affect chemical breakdown?

Mechanical breakdown makes food smaller so it wasn't be so large for the chemical breakdown.

Does the large intestine use chemical or mechanical digestion?

The large intestine does not perform any digestion whatsoever. It is part of the gastrointestinal tract, but it only performs mainly absorption, as in water, some minerals, and some vitamins.

The breakdown of rock into smaller pieces by physical means?

The process of the breakdown of rocks into smaller pieces by physical means is called mechanical weathering.

What is formed through the weathering of rocks into smaller particles and the decay of plant and animal matter?

Dirt, because as rocks breakdown, they form sand; anything that decomposes breaks down into dirt.