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This was a candle extinguisher that is used to place over the candle to starve it of air and thus put out the candle

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In "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens, Ebenezer Scrooge extinguishes the Ghost of Christmas Past by grabbing the extinguisher cap on the ghost's head and putting it back on, effectively putting out the light and sending the spirit away.

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Q: The cap that Scrooge used to get rid of the ghost of Christmas past?
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What are the names of the three ghosts in Charles Dicken's 'A Christmas Carol'?

The three ghosts in Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol' are the Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come (also known as the Ghost of Christmas Future). They visit Ebenezer Scrooge to help him reflect on his life and change his ways.

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The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come took Scrooge to the desert moor in Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." This ghost is also known as the Ghost of Christmas Future and is the third spirit to visit Scrooge in the story.

What does ghost 1 show Scrooge?

Ghost 1, also known as the Ghost of Christmas Past, shows Scrooge his past memories and experiences from childhood and beyond. It aims to help him understand how his past actions have shaped his present behavior and to encourage him to reflect on his past mistakes and decisions.

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In "A Christmas Carol," the books in Scrooge's office symbolize his focus on profit and material wealth. They are also used by the Ghost of Christmas Past to illustrate how Scrooge's obsession with money has led him astray from relationships and joy. The books serve as a reminder of Scrooge's past mistakes and misguided priorities, urging him to change his ways.

What does light mean in the Christmas carol said by the first of the three spirits?

The first spirit in "A Christmas Carol" represents the Ghost of Christmas Past and carries a glowing light that symbolizes the illumination of Scrooge's past memories and experiences. This light helps Scrooge to reflect on his life and understand the choices he has made.

What is five methods of transportation in A Christmas Carol?

Walking: Characters often move from place to place by walking in the story. Carriage: Scrooge is taken by carriage to his past by the Ghost of Christmas Past. Flying: The Ghost of Christmas Present flies with Scrooge over different scenes of holiday celebrations. Boats: Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Present visit sailors and fishermen on boats. Walking on air: The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come floats with Scrooge as they observe future events.

What does ghost of Christmas past represent in the book a Christmas carol?

The Ghost of Christmas Past in "A Christmas Carol" represents memory and reflection. It shows Scrooge his past actions and decisions, helping him understand how they have shaped his present self. Through this journey, Scrooge is able to confront his past mistakes and learn from them.

How does scrooge try to distinguish the light?

Scrooge tries to distinguish the light by focusing on different qualities, such as being bright and clear, as well as casting out darkness and shadows. He examines the light closely to see if it is a positive force that can overcome darkness and bring warmth and hope. By observing these characteristics, Scrooge is able to determine if the light is genuine and trustworthy.

What is Christmas carol all about?

A Christmas Carol is about the mean and miserly Ebenezer Scrooge. He is visited on Christmas eve by the ghost of his deceased business partner who tell him before the night is over he will be visited by 3 ghosts, the ghost of Christmases past, present and future. They each appear in turn, the ghost of Christmas past revisits his neglected childhood with him, the ghost of Christmas present shows him how everyone else in his life is making the most of the holiday even if times are hard, and the ghost of Christmas future shows him what the future holds for him if he doesn't make a change. On Christmas morning he awakens and decides to heed the warning and change his ways.

What pun is used in the movie A Christmas Carol?

This is one .Scrooge, talking to Marley's ghost, and says "There's more of gravy than the grave about you!"

Where does scrooge go?

In Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," Ebenezer Scrooge goes on a transformative journey guided by three spirits who show him the error of his ways. He visits scenes from his past, present, and potential future, ultimately leading to his redemption and a change of heart towards others.

What are six important events in 'A Christmas Carol'?

1st event = The Ghost of Christmas Past visited Scrooge when the bell passed 1:00.2nd event= One of the memories he saw was seeing himself sitting all alone on Christmas Day.3rd event= The bell sounded, leaving Scrooge on Christmas Day because he was being greedy and selfish.4th event= He saw his old friend Fezziwig having fun on Christmas Day.5th event= When scrooge saw himself shutting the door on Christmas carolers he wished he hadn't.6th event= He saw his sister fan talking to him about how much he used to love Christmas.I hope that this has helped you do your homework!! I needed help with my homework and when I got the answers I thought I would help other people!! lol...davii xx