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All bosy and somatic cells under go mitosis to

1) Grow ( for example your skin cells multiply in order toallow your skin to sketrch when you grow bigger)

2) Repair ( when you get a cut cells will undergo mitosis to repair damaged areas)

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Q: The cell will complete mitosis when making what?
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In cell cycle where mitosis occurs?

Mitosis (cell division) is complete at the end of the telophase.

When mitosis is complete the cell is ready for this next step?

Cytokinesis comes after Mitosis.

When mitosis is almost complete?

When mitosis is almost complete, it is almost time for the cell to go through cytokinesis. This is where a cell divides into two identical daughter cells.

Does mitosis produce a complete set of the chromosomes?

YES Mitosis is cell division, its job is to separate the cell and to do that it has to copy the chromosomes. everything including a complete set of chromosomes.

What dose each identical daughter cell have complete after mitosis?

After mitosis followed by cytokinesis, the two identical daughter cells have a complete and identical set of chromosomes, which are the same as the parent cell.

During which stage of mitosis are complete sets of?

During which stage of mitosis are complete sets of chromosomes drawn to opposite sides of the parent cell?

What does cell does mitosis produce?

Mitosis produce somatic cells,In the sense that it produces cells in the body. However, mitosis does not complete the cell multiplying process. It is the second stage.

Is the product of mitosis?

The product of mitosis is two genetically identical, diploid cells - that is, each cell has the complete number of chromosomes.

When mitosis is complete how many daughter cell are there?

When mitosis is complete two diploid daughter cells are formed.

What process ensures that each daughter cell gets one complete set of genetic information and that each daughter cell has increased surface area?

MITOSIS. Biologists divide the events of mitosis into four phases: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Mitosis insures that each daughter cell has the same genetic information as the parent cell.

What is the dividion of the cell nuclues?

The division of the cell nucleus is called mitosis. It is a process in which the parent cell's nucleus divides into two daughter nuclei, each containing a complete set of genetic material. Mitosis is important for growth, development, and tissue repair in multicellular organisms.

When does mitosis start?

Mitosis typically starts after the cell has completed the G2 phase of the cell cycle and enters the M phase. The M phase consists of mitosis, where the cell's genetic material is divided equally into two daughter cells, and cytokinesis, where the cell's cytoplasm is divided to complete cell division.