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Mitosis is cell division, its job is to separate the cell and to do that it has to copy the chromosomes. everything including a complete set of chromosomes.

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Q: Does mitosis produce a complete set of the chromosomes?
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If you compare the parent cell to the daughter in mitosis what can be said about their chromosomes?

the daughter cells' chromosomes are a identical to the parent cell. they each have a complete set

What dose each identical daughter cell have complete after mitosis?

After mitosis followed by cytokinesis, the two identical daughter cells have a complete and identical set of chromosomes, which are the same as the parent cell.

Where does the cell pior to undergoing mitosis obtain the extra or additional set of chromosomes?

The extra set of chromosomes is obtained by replicating the original pair. The two chromosomes end up in different cells at the end of mitosis.

Mitosis the process by which the nucleus of a cell divides into two nuclei each containing a complete set of the cell's chromosomes is essential to life because it?

Mitosis is vital to life because it allows organisms to reproduce asexually

What plays an important part in mitosis?

The spindle apparatus plays an important part in mitosis. It is responsible for segregating the chromosomes into two daughter cells by attaching to and moving the sister chromatids. This process ensures that each daughter cell receives an equal and complete set of chromosomes.

Which phase chromosomes are distributed equally to daughter cells?

A cell's replicated chromosomes are distributed to its daughter cells so that the two new cells have a complete set of chromosomes/DNA, so that they can carry out their cellular functions.

How many chromosomes does each new cell contain after mitosis if the original cell had 52 original cell chromosomes?

They would each have 52. When a cell divides through mitosis, it copies the original chromosomes, pulls them apart so that there is a copy of the same set of chromosomes on each side of the cell, then divides. The original set of chromosomes will always be the exact same set as the daughter cell's set of chromosomes (unless something went horribly wrong.) -if you are on a worksheet called "Section 1 Reinforcement - Cell Division and Mitosis" for number 8, I'm in the same situation...

What is a list of the four phase of mitosis in order?

Phase 1- Mitosis begins. Chromosomes condense from long strands into rodlike structures. Phase 2- The nuclear membrane is dissolved. Paired chromatids align at the cell's equator. Phase 3- The paired chromatids separate and move to opposite sides of the cell. Phase 4- A nuclear membrane forms around each set of chromosomes, and the chromosomes decondense. Mitosis is complete.

Why do chromosomes split?

Chromosomes split during cell division (mitosis or meiosis) to ensure that each daughter cell receives a complete set of chromosomes. This process, called chromosome segregation, allows genetic information to be accurately replicated and transmitted to the next generation of cells.

Meiosis is necessary to produce?

Meiosis is a special type of cell division. It is important to reproduce due to the sets of chromosomes in the cell.

How does mitosis ensure that each daughter nucleus receives a complete set of chromosomes?

During the S phase of mitosis (within interphase) DNA is synthesized and replicated making sister chromosomes. The cell then progresses and eventually gets to anaphase, in which the chromosomes get pulled apart by the centromeres holding the 2 sister chromosomes together. This way the daughter cells will have the same exact DNA as the parents cell, one with the same DNA, one with an exact copy.

Mitosis is the process a single cell uses to divide into two new identical cells. What do we call each set of cells?

In mitosis, the important thing to remember is that the daughter cells each have the same chromosomes and DNA as the parent cell. The daughter cells from mitosis are called diploid cells. Diploid cells have two complete sets of chromosomes.