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Q: The court has held that prayer in state legislatures?
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How many state legislatures were raified by conventions held in the states?

How many were ratified by conventions held in the states?

Was the David Westerfield case held in a federal or state court?

state court

When defendant and plantiff live in different states In which state is the court case held?

The state in which the alleged incident occurred.

Can a state be held responsible for the actions of their court?

No, they cannot.

What level of court was OJ Simpon's civil trial held at?

State Circuit Court

Was Emmett Till's court case a supreme court case?

No it was not a supreme court case, but a state case because it was held in the local court

Which of these is an example of a check held by colonial legislatures over the royal governors?

Colonial legislatures controlled the income given to royal governors.

Originally the United states senators were chosen by whom?

They were chosen by the legislature of their home state. In 1913, the 17th Amendment changed this to direct election by the voters in a state (which at the time was already done through various means in 26 states).

How many how many amendments were ratified by the state legislatures and how many were ratified by conventions held in States?

Only the 21st Amendment (repealing the 18th) was ratified by conventions in the states.

How many Constitutional Conventions were held?

There has only been one Constitution Convention in US history, held in 1787. Article V of the Constitution provides that a convention can be held whenever two-thirds of the state legislatures call for one, but this hasn't happened since the Constitution was ratified.

Which courts hear cases involving state laws?

The state court system deals with state laws; however, the federal court system may also hear cases involving state laws under certain conditions.

How are military lawsuits handled?

Military lawsuits are usually held in federal court. Some cases are allowed to be filed in state court under clauses different to each branch and state.